ISSS608 2018-19 T1 Assign Tan Le Wen Angelina Conclusion
The Moral of the Story is...
In every story, there is something to learn. In this assignment, we examined the pollution level in the capital city of Bulgaria, Sofia City. The air pollutant that we focused on in this assignment is PM 10. We were tasked to analyse the dataset of air pollution of Sofia City from two different sources: the dataset from the Air Quality Stations in Sofia City only, and the dataset from the sensors placed all around Bulgaria, which we limit the scope to just Sofia City. There were incorrect datapoints no doubt, but as a whole the results and insights from both datasets are in sync with each other, increasing the credibility of the datasets.
We saw that during the colder months, the concentration level for PM 10 is higher than that for the warmer months. The reason is that during the colder months, people burn more solid fuel to keep themselves warm, which in turn release more pollutants into the air. In fact, the pollution concentration is also higher during the colder hours of the day, giving it two peaks: one in the early morning, and one after the sun set. The main contributor of pollution is from traffic, as Bulgaria drives some of the other cars ever known. Two power plants are located in the city, which also contribute to the pollution level as they are rather old plants.
Sofia City is surrounded by mountains, which means it is seated in a valley and that caused pollution to aggregate there. Moreover, the wind direction is not always in Sofia's favour. Hence, more effort needs to be done to keep the city a healthy and breathable one.
Don't take my breath away, Sofia.