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[ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Project Team 10]]
[ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Project Team 10]]

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Vaa1.jpg ISSS608 Visual Analytics and Applications


Weekly Session


Visual Analytics Project

Course Resources


Project Groups

Please change Your Team name to your project topic and change student name to your own name

Project Team Project Title/Description Project Artifacts Project Member


Transport Data from EZlink

Singapore is a highly urbanised city state with a good network of public transport. It is important to understand how the population flows within the city state through the public transport system. The public transport planners will need to understand the characteristics of the population commuting on the public transport system, especially the public bus system. The public bus system has a greater reach to majority of the population and is more dynamic in nature as compared to the train system. By understanding the characteristics of the commuters, it will allow the planners to twist the public bus system in order to make it more efficiency and support the initiative of a car-lite society.

  • Raymond Goh
  • Kee Bei Jia

Group 2 - Team ADA

Analysing Rise in Temperatures and Its Causes Globally Through Interactive Visualizations

Climate change and global warming are material and contemporary issues that are gaining traction from countries all over the world. Global citizens of all ages and economic backgrounds are faced with unwanted effects of climate change today. As the buzz around global warming continues to increase, this contemporary issue has incited many relevant visualisations. Through this project, we analyse the key contributors to climate change namely: Fossil fuel consumption, adoption/rejection of renewable energy, electricity consumption, deforestation rate, and greenhouse gas emissions. The residual impact of these factors to facilitate the rise of global temperature has been captured for 86 countries around the world.

While most contemporary visualisations focus on individual environmental hazards such as increased rates of carbon emissions or the rapid rise in temperature, our analysis attempts to connect the dots to better understand the cause-and-effect nature of global warming. Through our visualisations, we depict the causal effect between the factors which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and the resulting impact on increase in temperature from the year 1990 to 2012. Furthermore, we attempt to forecast the aforementioned causal effects and the net rise in temperature for ten subsequent years to better understand the variation in each factor over time.

  • Akangsha Bandalkul
  • Angad Srivastava
  • Dipti Kalyandurgmath

Group 3 - Team S-MALL]| [ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Project Team 10

VAST Challenge 2016 – Return to Kronos (Mini challenge 2)

This challenge involves analysis of a collection of static data about two weeks of GAStech operations data, including building sensor readings and prox-card movement throughout the building. Deliverables include interesting patterns, anomalies/unusual events that are most likely to represent a danger or a serious issue for building operations, and relationships between the proximity card data and building data elements.


  • Wesley Fabrice
  • Cheryl Lee Mei Hui
  • Linda Teo Kwee Ang

Tfm UR.jpg

A Peek into University Ranking - A Visualization

University ranking is always one consideration for to-be applicants. There is a certain prestige in having a better ranking, and universities generally work towards having better standing. According to Kaggle, "Ranking universities is a difficult, political, and controversial practice." Through this visual analytics project, we look to analyse the world distribution of these universities, its attributes, rankings over time, and seek to draw insights from them.

  • HO Li Chin
  • Christine THIAN
  • Alvin YUEN


Even though Zika virus has been identified as early as in 1940s, it wasn't widely reported till it outbroke rapidly in south America in 2015. In Singapore, the first case was found in August 2016. Within 2 months, there are more than 400 cases identified locally. In this project, we will exam spread pattern of the Zika virus, are there any relationship between the weather or geolocation and the spread of this virus.

  • Ye JiaTao
  • Yang YuWei
  • Chen YiFan

HAPPY.jpg Group6

Are You Happy?


  • HE Lingfei
  • MAO Chenxin
  • WANG Yingbei


Visualising Terrorism

In recent years, terrorism attacks in the western world are the centre of focus and receive extensive reporting. However, terrorist attacks in the Middle East, South America, Africa and South Asia often receive much less attention or totally neglected. This creates a perspective that is far from the truth. We aim to present a holistic picture of the global terrorist attacks: across time, countries, targets and methods, to help the viewers have a better understanding of terrorist attacks in various countries during different periods of time. As such, we have built an interactive dashboard visualisation that showcases the changes in terrorist attacks from 1985 to 2016.

  • Xi Qiuyun
  • Liu Jialin
  • Lim Hui Ting Jaclyn

100px AnalyTweets

Visualising Twitter: Hashtags and User Mentions Network

Twitter is described as the SMS of the internet. When key events occur, knowing the buzz from an information network such as Twitter tells you the present. Our aim is to visually analyze the association of #tags, representing a key idea, with @mentions.

  • Kuar Kah Ling
  • Meenakshi Gopalakrishnan
  • Parikshit Mayee


European Football Visualization

One of the most popular sports worldwide is football. Football can be considered as the most favourite sport in the world, especially in Europe. The motivation of this project is to discover interesting findings about the top 4 leagues in Europe. (England, Spain, Italy, Germany)

  • Frandy Eddy
  • Franky Eddy
  • Aditya Hariharan


The project aims to enable the user to explore various aspects of IMDb data set through interactive visualization tools and techniques.

  • Abhinav Ghildiyal
  • Agrim Gairola
  • Vishal Bansal

Cancer in U.S.

Prevention and treatment of cancers are always important issues on people's health. In our project, we would explore relationships among ages, sex, states and various cancers.

  • Li Dan
  • Wei Jingxian
  • Zhang Zhe


Video Game Analytics

Vgchartz.com, is a video game sales tracking website that provides weekly sales figures of console software and hardware by region. The site was launched in June 2005 and is run by a small team of ten. Presently, users find the visualizations time consuming, difficult to comprehend and navigate.

  • Zhang Jinchuan
  • Li Nanxun
  • Chris Thng
  • Ling Jingting

A View at HDB Car Parking System

The HDB car parking system in Singapore is a very mature one. This project aims to visualize this car parking system. The various types of car parking are understood and visualized. These car parking systems are broken down area-wise and block-wise and visualized using various tools and visualizations such as hierarchical tree and sunburst diagrams.

  • Arcchit Mittal
  • Mukund Krishna Ravi
  • Shishir Pravin Nehete

A View at HDB Car Parking System

The HDB car parking system in Singapore is a very mature one. This project aims to visualize this car parking system. The various types of car parking are understood and visualized. These car parking systems are broken down area-wise and block-wise and visualized using various tools and visualizations such as hierarchical tree and sunburst diagrams.

  • Arcchit Mittal
  • Mukund Krishna Ravi
  • Shishir Pravin Nehete

Pandemic.jpg Group 15

Characterising Pandemic Spread Using R

A pandemic is an epidemic or outbreak of infectious disease that spreads rapidly not only to many people, but across countries. The unprecedented mobility of people and food over the last 30 years has seen a steady increase in the frequency and diversity of disease outbreaks. No country is immune to this growing global threat. Scientists are predicting that it is not a matter of if, but when the next pandemic will happen. Singapore, as a small city state, with the highest population density in the world and one of the highest air passenger traffic, is particularly vulnerable.

There are reasons to remain optimistic, as Singapore’s SMART Nation initiatives and modern healthcare systems’ electronic records have open up new possibilities in the fight against potential infectious disease outbreaks in the country. Data will be increasingly ubiquitous as the world, including Singapore, continues to make significant advancement in the digitalisation age. Insights from the data have the potential to offer a critical line of preparedness needed through early identification, rapid effective response, and containment of disease outbreaks.

Using R programming to analyse a synthetic dataset (i.e. computer- and human-generated data) relating to a major disease outbreak that spanned several cities across the world in 2009, we have developed a visualisation tool and deployed it as an interactive dashboard prototype via R Shiny. This visualisation tool can potentially be used by health officials to analyse the hospitalisation data and characterise the spread of the pandemic across countries should an actual disease outbreak happen. We have demonstrated the capabilities of this visualisation tool through the use of calendar heatmap, trellis plot and other new visualisation graphing methods. The efficacy of each of these visual analytics techniques will be discussed in detail. We will also suggest possibilities for future works by combining hospital records with other data sources.

[VAST Challenge 2010 - Characterisation of Pandemic Spread]

  • Chua Gim Hong
  • Huang Liwei
  • Ngo Siew Hui

A View at HDB Car Parking System

The HDB car parking system in Singapore is a very mature one. This project aims to visualize this car parking system. The various types of car parking are understood and visualized. These car parking systems are broken down area-wise and block-wise and visualized using various tools and visualizations such as hierarchical tree and sunburst diagrams.

  • Arcchit Mittal
  • Mukund Krishna Ravi
  • Shishir Pravin Nehete

Project Groups

Please change Your Team name to your project topic and change student name to your own name

Team Members
Investigation of vehicle traffic corridors using visual analytics Kishan Bharadwaj Shridhar Ong Guan Jie Jason Zhang Yanrong
Global Warming: A Tale of Rising Temperatures Angad Srivastava Akangsha Bandalkul Dipti Kalyandurgmath
S-MALL Chen Yun-Chen Chiam Zhan Peng Zheng Bijun Ghost Lin
Group 4 Akanksha Mittal Sivagamy Balamourougane Sanghavy Balamourougane
Group 5 Vincent Mack Zhi Wei Chen Xiaoqing David Ten Kao Yuan Student name Student name Student name
Group 6 HE Lingfei MAO Chenxin WANG Yingbei
Trenchcoat Detectives Anuthama Murugesan Krutika Balveer Choudhary Sumalika Kodumuru Student name Student name Student name
theArules Cao Bo Guan Yifei Zhou Yuhui
The Indian Story Luo Mandi Sandhya Vasudeva Rao Priyadarshini Majumdar Ghost Ghost Ghost
visualizeR Eric Prabowo Asmit Adgaonkar Shuo Zhang - - -
Group11 TripleY Wei Yunna Chen Yin Jue Xu Yue -- -- --
Group 12 Arunkumar Chavarukulangara Rajan Josef Carlo Exconde Sandeep Chala -- -- --
Your Team name Student name Student name Student name Student name Student name Student name
Your Team name Student name Student name Student name Student name Student name Student name
Group 15: Characterising Pandemic Spread Using R Chua Gim Hong Huang Liwei Ngo Siew Hui -- -- --
Group 16 Jiaqi Zhang Xintian Liu Hongjun Qian Student name Student name Student name
Your Team name Student name Student name Student name Student name Student name Student name
Group 18 - Intelligent Airlines Network Debasish Behera Manish Mittal Roger Ganga Sundaraj Student name Student name Student name
Group 13 Rishi Tandon - - - - -