ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Assign2 Ong Han Ying - Results Vers1 TeachingStaff

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OHY Header.jpg ISSS608 2016-17 Assignment 2 - Ong Han Ying


Executive Summary


Data Preparation





7.0: Overview

7.1: Vers#1 - Teaching Staffs

7.2: Vers#2 - IT Manager

7.3: Vers#3 - Wikimedia

7.4: Vers#4 - Research Paper

7.5: Final Analysis


7.1 Objective 1: Version#1 - Teaching Staff
_____7.1.1 Application
_____7.1.2 Functionality
_____7.1.3 Performance
_____7.1.4 Others - Year of Experience
_____7.1.5 Overall Storyboard

7.1 Objective 1: Version#1 - Teaching Staff

In all, there are 3 indicators that interest the Teaching Staff. In this section, we will stand in the position of a teaching staff, and follow through how will a Teaching Staff use and analyze the Dashboard.

7.1.1 Application

In all, in the area of "Application",

  1. Survey responses are more skewed towards the negative polarity.
  2. Most of the respondents disagree with developing educational activities with the student, using Wikipedia.
  3. Yet, 46% of the respondents agree with their students using Wiki in their courses.
  4. The domain of "Laws & Politics" showed the most negative feedbacks among all other domains.
  5. While the domain of "Science" showed the most positive feedbacks among all other domains.

The following are also illustrated below;

Analysis Part 1

7.1.2 Functionality

In all, in the area of "Functionality",

  1. Survey results for this indicator has received overall positive feedbacks across most questions.
  2. Most respondents (87%) agree that it is important for students to become familiar with an online collaborative environment.
  3. However, ~25% the respondents did not agree that Wikipedia improves the visibility of the student's work.
  4. "Law & Politics" has shown a higher than average no. of respondents who disagree that Wikipedia "is easy to have a record of the contribution", and "improving the visibility of student work".

The following are also illustrated below;

Analysis Part 2

7.1.3 Performance

In all, in the area of "Performance",

  1. This indicator has received a slightly more positive feedback than negative, will about 1/2 of the questions receiving a high "neutral" (>30%) responses.
  2. ~70% of the respondents disagree to cite Wikipedia in their academic papers.
  3. However, >50% of the respondents agree that Wikipedia (1) help to find information, (2) User-Friendly, (3) Entertaining & (4) Stimulates Curiosity.
  4. Also, "Law & Politics" has again shown a more negative polarity towards most responses in the survey.
  5. On the other hand, respondents from "Sciences" has more proportional of positive feedback.

The following are also illustrated below;

Analysis Part 3

7.1.4 Others - Year of Experience

In term of other factors, it was investigated and found that the year of experience largely, did not affect the skewness of the results much, this is as illustrated below;

Analysis Part 4

7.1.5 Overall Storyboard

Both the dashboard and the storyboard can be found in the following link:

  1. The link to the storyboard at Tableau Public--> [HERE]
  2. The link to the dashboard at Tableau Public--> [HERE]
  3. Link to Assignment's Website -->Here in GitHub

Previous Sub-section - 7.0: Overview