ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Assign2 CHIA Yong Jian - Results

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2 - Introduction

3 - Data Preparations

4 - Visualisations

5 - Results

6 - Conclusion

5.1 A practical example of how the dashboards can be used

Using Tableau, a Storyboard could be created to tell a story. Here, 3 technology companies was used as an example to illustrate the simplicity of using the dashboards to make quick observations about the state of the companies.

Link to Storyboard

For convenience, the main pages of the storyboard are as follows:

No. Story Page
CHIA YONG JIAN Assign2 Storyboard1.png
CHIA YONG JIAN Assign2 Storyboard2.png
CHIA YONG JIAN Assign2 Storyboard3.png
CHIA YONG JIAN Assign2 Storyboard4.png
CHIA YONG JIAN Assign2 Storyboard5.png