ISSS608 2018-19 T1 Assign Arief Sulistio Methodology
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Data Source In this assignment, all the data are taken from:
- Official air quality measurements (5 stations in the city)(EEA – as per EU guidelines on air quality monitoring see the data description HERE…
- Citizen science air quality measurements (Air , incl. temperature, humidity and pressure (many stations) and topography (gridded data).
- Meteorological measurements (1 station)( Temperature; Humidity; Wind speed; Pressure; Rainfall; Visibility
- Topography data (TOPO-DATA)
They can be download by click on this link.
Software Visualization software being used in this assignment was Tableau 2018.3, and all data preparation was done with Microsoft Excel 2013 and JMP PRO 14.
Approached The objective of this assignment was to identify factors that impacting air pollution. Therefore our approach was:
- Using Government's data to see the air pollution concentration in Sophia's city. Before we perform any analysis, we are exploring available data set to check if there is any abnormality with the data
- Due to limited coverage of Government's data, we are using additional station's data from Citizen Science Air quality Measurements. Similarly before we perform any analysis, we are exploring available data set for any abnormality, and comparing its value with Government's data just to ensure that both data source are measuring the same thing. We then continue to see if there is any factor affecting air pollution such as temperature, humidity, pressure, date, as well as its location.
- We further analyze the air pollution data by linked it in with topography and meteorology data to explore any possibility of relationship with air pollution concentration data set.
We also provide interactive dashboard that we used during data analysis in the same sequence.