ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Yejerla Amrutha Rajeshwari Conclusion

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Bird Picture.jpg VAST Mini Challenge 1: "Cheep" Shots?


Data Preparation & Methodology

Data Exploration: Formulating Hypothesis

Bird's-eye View

What's in a Call?



From the analysis it is evident that there is change in the behavior of Rose crested Blue Pipit both in terms of the distribution of Vocalization types and also the number of sightings. It could be that this decline in population of the locally loved species is because of periodic geo-environmental changes, but the evidence found seems to be indicating otherwise. Other species living around the region also exhibit a downward trend in the number of recordings, however, there is no conclusive evidence that other species are facing the same plight as Rose crested Blue Pipit. If the alleged dumping is true, the effect of chemical abuse seems to be more in the regions towards the west of the alleged dumping sight.

One important point that grabs attention is the decline in the recordings of many species including Lesser Birchbeere in the year 2013. We might be interested in investigating this further to see if the number of Ornithologists on field that year were low. This is required to rule out the possibility of 2013 being the time of the actual dumping and confirm the dumping site.

It is proved that only 2 of the 15 audio recordings provided by Kaisos actually belong to Rose crested Blue Pipit which again proves that officials at Kaisos lied.
