ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Assign3 Ong Han Ying - Act 3
and What Remains Is Truth.
Part 1 : Re-visit DinoFun World - Confirming the Facts
Part 2 : The Event of Timeline Matters! When did the Crime Strike?
Part 3 : Applying Logic - Eliminate the Impossible
Part 4 : Who are being Left Behind?
From Part 1 : Re-visit DinoFun World - Confirming the Facts
Account #01:
- Question #1 [DINO HOLMES]: Firstly, besides the Scott Jones’ events, are there other major shows in the past 3 days in Coaster Alley?
- Answer #1 [IRIS]: We didn’t have enough space for other major events! Scott Jones’ Performance has used up the stage for the past 3 days!
Account #02:
- Question #2 [DINO HOLMES]: Oh. But there is supposed to be 6 shows? But the data that I have gotten seem to suggest 5 shows only.
- Answer #2 [IRIS]: The 6th Show was cancelled! Scott Jones was too upset to continue with the performance…
Account #03:
- Question #3 [DINO HOLMES]: Oh wait. So the vandalism happened before show 2, before 4PM?
- Answer #3 [IRIS]: Ah yes. In fact, our helpdesk received so many messages, when it was discovered.
Account #04:
- Question #4 [DINO HOLMES]: Oh. So that explained. So you are busy yesterday around 12.01PM to 12.25PM right?
- Answer #4 [IRIS]: That’s wise of you! I guess we have gotten the right person to help us!
From Part 2 : The Event of Timeline Matters! When did the Crime Strike?
Deduction #1 : Confirming the Sequence of Events
The sequence of events was updated by Dino Holmes on her Timeline, as below;
- Indeed, 11AM and 4PM are related to the timing of the Scott Jones Show.
- DinoFun World's Staff discovered the crime via the high volume of communication to the helpdesk, at 12.00PM of Sunday
- The crime must have happened on Sunday, before 12PM then.
Question #1 : What's the operating hour of DinoFun World?
Answer #1 : Likely Operating Hour of DinoFun World
The likely operating hour of DinoFun World is per the image; (as below)
Thus, the operating hour is likely to be;
- Opening Time : 8AM
- Closing Time : 11:30PM - 12AM
However, there were movement & communication after 11:35PM on Saturday! Further investigation on this, to conclude the closing time.
For more details, please go to: Behind the Scene - #Act03 - Fun Fact#01
Question #2 :What is the possible range of time - when the crime strike?
Answer #2 : The Traffics at the Pavilion from Fri-Sun
Based on Logic#1: The crime cannot happen when the Pavilion (Crime Scene) has a high traffic; Dino Holmes identify the traffics at pavilion over the 3 days;
For more details, please go to: Behind the Scene - #Act03 - Fun Fact#02
- There is 0 check-in from 930AM to 1130AM daily for 3 days.
- There is 0 check-in from 230PM to 430PM daily for Friday & Sunday.
- The crime should strike after 930AM on Sunday, 8 Jun 2014.
- Anytime before this timing, it will have been caught by the crowd.
Thus, with finding #1; the crime should be happening between 930AM to 1130AM - since that is the last check in, before the next crowd enter.
Question #3 :What is the ShowTime of Scott Jones Performance?
Answer #3 : The Showtime of Scott Jones Performance
Based on Logic#2: Those watching the Scott Jones, should NOT be able to commit the crime. Dino Holmes identify the traffics at performance stage over the 3 days;
For more details, please go to: Behind the Scene - #Act03 - Fun Fact#02
- Based on #ACT2, we know that there is a high communication exchange at 11AM and 4PM respectively.
- Based on Answer#3 of Act#3, we can see that there is a high check-in
- 930AM in the morning for 3 days.
- 230PM in the afternoon for Friday & Saturday (Since the show on Sunday is cancelled).
Thus, we can deduct that the show time is 930AM to 11AM & 230PM to 4PM respectively - for the morning & afternoon show.
From Part 3 : Applying Logic - Eliminate the Impossible
In this section, Dino Holmes went through 3 rounds of elimination of suspects, by applying the following logics;
- Logic #3 : Vandalizer must appear in the Pavilion on Sunday, between 8AM to 12PM
- Logic #2 : Those watching the Scott Jones, should NOT be able to commit the crime.
- Logic #5 :Guests who turn up on Friday and/or Saturday only, are unlikely to be the vandalizer, but possible accomplice.
Thus. Dino Holmes reminded herself to identify the culprit first, and then; identify possible accomplice instead.
Based on the above logics, guests are removed from the suspect list, based on the following elimination assumptions;
- Elimination 1: Guests who checked in to the morning show on Sunday. (after 930AM) - 982 guests are removed from suspect list.
- Elimination 2: Those who are not around on SUNDAY at all. - 3449 who came for 1 day only (and its not Sunday), and another 356 who came for 2 days but not on a Sunday - are removed from suspect list.
- Elimination 3: Come on Sunday only, after 1130AM - 92 guests are removed from suspect list.
Based on the master list of ID, elimination IDs are identified, and a sample of the working (via MS Excel), as below
In total, 4879 guests are removed from the suspect list. These are deem as guest who are impossible to be the one that committed to the vandalism as they , mostly; have evidence of not being around when the crime is committed.
For more details, please go to: Behind the Scene - #Act03 - Fun Fact#02
From Part 4 : Who are being Left Behind?
- Even through there are 6495 guests who are present in the park at the point of the crime,
- Dino Holmes has identify 230 of them who have yet to enter or near the crime scene at all, in the past 3 days.
- Assumption that the system is able to capture at least 1 movement of the culphit being near to the crime scene (Friday/Saturday/Sunday), Dino Holmes decided to remove 230 guests from the list.
- Before Dino Holmes head back to the office, the number of suspects has been reduced to 6265 instead, reduce the suspects list by ~45%.
Detective Board