IS428 AY2019-20T2 Assign ONG LI TING: faculty

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Analysis 1: Faculty staffs made up the minority of the survey respondents

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Upon hovering on the selected bar chart:

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Key Findings
  • The faculty staffs made up the minority of the survey respondents with associate and assistant professor being the highest, followed by professor and then lecturer.
  • Upon hovering on the highlight bar charts, we are presented with the faculty staffs study area. For associate professor and lecturer, the population are quite spread out across the different study area.
  • For assistant professor, we have lesser people from law and economics.
  • For professor, we have more people from business and economics.

Analysis 2: Li Ka Shing is the more preferred library overall

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Upon hovering on the selected bar chart:

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Key Findings
  • Li Ka Shing Library is the more preferred library over Kwa Geok Choo Library.
  • The number of faculty staffs prefer over Kwa Geok Choo Library can be counted manually due to its extremely low number at 24.
  • Faculty staffs from Business has the highest number of records for preferring Li Ka Shing Library over Kwa Geok Choo Library.
  • Faculty staffs for Law has the highest number of records for preferring Kwa Geok Choo Library over Li Ka Shing Library. This could be due to convenience based on distance. Kwa Geok Choo Library is nearer to SMU School of Law.
  • There is minimal difference in the overall satisfaction rate for Li Ka Shing Library and Kwa Geok Choo Library. This applies to faculty from all study areas.

Analysis 3: SMU Libraries resources are mostly utilised on a daily to weekly basis and faculty staffs visits to library ranges from monthly to quarterly

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Key Findings
  • Faculty staffs use the SMU Libraries resources mostly on a daily - weekly basis.
  • Faculty staffs visit the campus mostly on a daily basis.
  • Faculty staffs visit the SMU Libraries mostly on a monthly to quarterly basis.

Analysis 4: The top 3 important services are – Information resources located in the library, help from library staff and library staff provides accurate answer

Importance Overall

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Key Findings
  • By looking at which bar is more skewed towards the right, the perceived top 3 important services provided by SMU Libraries for the faculty staffs are:
  1. Information resources located in the library
  2. Help from library staff
  3. Library staff provides accurate answer
  • In terms of services by category, we can see that information & resources is of highest importance.
  • By looking at which bar is more skewed towards the left, the perceived last 3 important services provided by SMU Libraries for the faculty staffs are:
  1. Computer availability
  2. Library workshop, class & tutorials
  3. Opening hours

Performance Overall

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Key Findings
  • By looking at which bar is more skewed towards the right, the perceived top 3 performance services provided by SMU Libraries for the faculty staffs are:
  1. Online enquiry services
  2. Off campus library resources assess
  3. Self service
  • By looking at which bar is more skewed towards the left, the perceived last 3 performance services provided by SMU Libraries for the faculty staffs are:
  1. Computer availability
  2. Quiet place in the library
  3. Printing, scanning & photocopying services

Comparing top perceived important services with perceived performance

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Key Findings
  • All top 3 rated as importance services are perceived as “has met expectations” of the faculty.
  • For library information resources, there is only a slight discrepancy of 7.4% from 97.7% (importance) vs 90.3% (performance).
  • For help from library staff, there is only a slight discrepancy of 7.1% from 98.3% (importance) vs 91.2% (performance).
  • For Library staff provides accurate answer, there is only a slight discrepancy of 4.8% from 96.5% (importance) vs 91.7% (performance).

The figures are derived upon hovering over the selected bars. The calculation is done by summing up all the percentage for above neutral for importance and performance and then finding the difference between the 2 figures.

Analysis 5: There is a linear relation between the overall satisfaction and likelihood to recommend the SMU Libraries’ services to another student

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Key Findings
  • There is a linear relation between the overall satisfaction and likelihood to recommend the SMU Libraries’ services to another student.
  • The likelihood (high and above) for the faculty staff to recommend the SMU Libraries services to another student must score an overall satisfaction score of about 7 - 8 (measured by the darkness of the colour).

Analysis 6: The top 3 mentioned words are: Database (5 records), service (4 records), resource (4 records)


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Key Findings
  • The top 3 mentioned words are:
  1. Database (5 records)
  2. Service (4 records)
  3. Resource (4 records)

  • The result for the positive and overall word cloud display has overlapped top 3 words. Faculty staffs barely give any comments which resulted in the small word cloud. There is no negative words provided faculty staffs.


  • If needed to conduct another study with the faculty (minority), it can be in a small setting due to the small number of respondents.
  • If needed, prioritise more effort in maintaining the libraries’ online facilities over physical resources for faculty resources as there is a higher traffic for online libraries’ visits.
  • Distance plays a part to attract the faculty. So, if there are any future SMU Libraries initiatives event, it should be held at the centre of the campus. Ideally it can be held at school of accountancy.
  • Faculty staffs values online resources and library staff customer service more. It is critical to update the online resources database regularly to cater to their needs. Have a hotline to answer the faculty staffs’ enquiries since they are rarely visit the library.
  • The previous statement is also supported by the faculty top 3 importance - Online enquiry services, off campus library resources assess and self service.
  • With the word cloud, conduct another survey more specified to the words mentioned to improve the future SMU Libraries satisfaction rate.