ISSS608 Assign Pu Yiran-Visualization & Dashboard Design
Visualization & |
Task 1 & Task 3
Calendar View
In task 1, daily data from 2013-2017 is given and hourly data of 2018 is given. Calendar can give a general view of daily historical PM10 pollution level in Sofia city.
For task 1, two types of calendars are designed. In the static calendar, depth of colour represents daily concentration of PM10. In the interactive calendar, allowing reader to key in a value of concentration, differentiates days with excessive concentration determined by user, where red colour is the alter of overshooting PM10.
Interactive Monthly Average & Daily Average Time Series
This visualization is to give an intuitive view of PM10 patterns across months and across years. Readers can select to display and highlight by air quality stations or by station types ‘Background’ and ‘Traffic’. Therefore, it also allows to identify differences between stations and station types.
Heatmap of 2018 Hourly Average
As hourly data is given, we are able to view how PM10 was changing during one day at different time period. Mentioned before, 24 hours are grouped into 4 time periods, here, a heatmap is created accordingly. Using with filter, we are able to view PM10 level varying from time periods in different months.
Click to view Tableau dashboard for this task: Dashboard-Unmask PM10 Pollution in Spfiacity
The first dashboard gives detail view of daily historical. By selecting one day from either static calendar or interactive calendar, PM10 pollution level measured by each station on that day will be displayed. As introduced in previous section, once user key in a determined value, interactive calendar will be differentiated into two colours accordingly.
The second dashboard display monthly average and daily average moving patterns, allowing comparisons across time as well as across stations/station types.
Task 2 & Task 3
Trellis Map
To find out the most polluted and unhealthy areas in Sofia city and to analyse whether the distribution of PM10 and PM2.5 is time dependent, trellis map is created, each cell of which display sensors data of one day.
In addition, to add on benchmarks for analysis, PM10 levels are differentiated according to EU limit value. PM2.5 levels are differentiated into 5 levels according to health impact.
Click to view Tableau dashboard for this task: Unmask the most polluted and unhealthy regions in Sofia city
The first dashboard is for reviewing sensors’ daily and hourly performance. Once select a sensor in map, corresponding fields will display the sensor’s daily and hourly performance on different measurements, such as temperature, humidity, which can be selected from the given filter.
The second dashboard enables detailed view of how pollutants were distributed on each day. On the given calendar of PM10 and PM2.5, with the selection of a day, below maps will display distributions of PM10 and PM2.5.
The third dashboard provides calendar of tempreture, humidity and pressure, which can be related to PM level. By selecting a particular day from either of the calendar, corresponding graphs will also be highlighted.