ISSS608 2018-19 T1 Assign Lim Si Ling Evelyn Task 3

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Sofia City.jpg



Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Assignment Page

Task 3
1 – Location of Important Landmarks
Location of Important Landmarks

Figure 1 – Location of Important Landmarks

From Task 1, it was noted that Nadezhda, Hipodruma and Orlov Most station had higher PM10 pollutant readings and it was noted in Task 2 that North-Eastern region was subjected to a higher P1 and P2 pollutants. When overlay with the location of Sofia City’s Geothermal Plant, it is not surprising that the plant is near the 3 official station and is at North Eastern part of the city.

2 – Topography Data
Location of Important Landmarks

Figure 2 – Topography data

Topography data provided accounts for a small area and it generally the city centre of Sofia has altitude of 500-600m and it gets steeper nearer to the south western region. However, as seen in the first 2 tasks, despite the relatively constant altitude in the north eastern region, pollution levels still varies. Also, IAOS station,the station nearest to North Eastern region, also faces high PM10 pollution, thus, it is not conclusive that topography will result to dirtier air.

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