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<font size="5"><font color="#42485D">'''How do I access the dashboard?'''</font></font><br/>
Click on the following link to access: [https://public.tableau.com/views/FuChuanjie-IndividualAssignment/DB-Creek?:embed=y&:display_count=yes Fu Chuanjie's Tableau Workbook]

Latest revision as of 19:55, 7 July 2018

Ind-Logo.png VAST Challenge 2018: Like a Duck to Water


Methodology & Dashboard Design




Uncovering evidence with water studies

Kasios’ spokespersons have denied any accusation of industrial waste dumping. They have emphasized that there is no ground contamination near the remote ranger station as suggested by last year’s challenge. Ornithologists from Mistford College have tried to take soil samples from the site to prove the existence of ground contamination. However, they have found that new top soil has been used to cover the site rendering any soil sampling approach useless. Without soil sampling, these ornithologists have instead turned to water sensor readings in the hope of proving contamination.

What data is available?

To assess the waterway’s health, water sensor readings have been taken across 10 separate locations in 4 different waterways. The hydrology data available is from 1998 to 2016. Within the hydrology data collected, the records include items such as hardness, water temperature, Endrin, etc. However, the level of data availability is different depending on location, measure and year.


How do I access the dashboard?
Click on the following link to access: Fu Chuanjie's Tableau Workbook