Talk:ISSS608 2016-17 T3 Assign ZHANG YANRONG Feedback

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Page.jpg VAST Challenge 2017 MC3


Data Preparation







Please write down your valuable feedback here:

Hi Yale, very impressive piece of work! Just a couple of points I have to make below for your consideration.

  1. Some lead-in for your figures will be probably useful. Many people including myself may be unfamiliar with the spectral bands etc.
  2. No titles for your figures
  3. You may want to do a peaks and troughs analysis by adding in some annotations in your line graph
  4. Your y-axis for the line graph is starting at 110 which may mislead the audience


  1. Good usage of animations but the speed can probably be tuned slower and you may want to include that in your answers section instead.
  2. Good color choices to distinguish the different geographical features (talk) 11:30, 14 July 2017 (SGT)