ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Assign3 Lim Hui Ting Jaclyn Q1

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Question 3

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There are 2 IDs that stand out for their large volumes of communication, they are mainly ID number 1278894 and 839746.

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In comparison with the rest of the communication data, these make up (%) of the total number of communication in the park. In addition, we can see that both of them communicate to most of the park-goers.

ID Number 1278894

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From the image above, we can see that messages have been sent out at regular intervals each day. The volume of data that has been sent out from 1278894 varies across the three days, differing based on the number of park visitors. The volume of data that is sent to 1278894 is also during similar intervals, with a small number of communication in between the intervals. A possible hypothesis is that this could be an activity that the park has, that requires visitors to respond within a given time. As such, some people may respond late.

ID Number 839736

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As for ID 839746, we can see that the volume of data for Friday and Saturday are similar. There are more volumes of communication data on Saturday, as there are more visitors. However, on Sunday, we can see that the pattern differs. There is a large spike of communication data to and from 839746 at 12pm onwards. As such, a possible hypothesis is that this is the helpline in the park, and something has had occurred and discovered at 12pm. As the park normally does not have many accidents/ incidents, the volume of communication may be relatively low, until a mishap happens.