1415T2g1 South Korea/Participant Information/Lau Chen Lin
Revision as of 00:21, 10 October 2014 by Chenlin.lau.2012 (talk | contribs)
Chen Lin
Name: Lau Chen Lin
Year: 2012
Degree: BSc Information Systems Management
2nd Major: Finance
Interests: Photography
CCA: 13th SMUXtremists Crew, Skating
Internship: Summer Internship 2014 at Singapore Exchange (SGX)
Find me on facebook: facebook.com/ch3nlin
Why TSM South Korea?
Motivations For Joining TSM
I have never worked in a startup company, but i have always been interested in the workings and growth of one. Like how Facebook started off from a dorm room and eventually became a tech giant and IPO-ed.
Why South Korea?
Internship Opportunities
What Type of Internship Opportunities Interest You?
Any Ideal Firms In South Korea?
Starting A Business
Types Of Businesses Which Interest Me
What plan do you have in starting a business?
Past Experiences
I have never worked in a startup company, but i have always been interested in the workings and growth of one.