IS427:AY1314T1 Europe (G1) - Organizations: Munich: Veact

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Home Course Information Participants Cities Startups

The Company

  • Munich based start-up, founded in 2010
  • Develops and markets products for web-based automation of marketing processes in the automobile sales sector
  • Optimizes the marketing activities of car dealers and car dealer groups through automated analysis and recommendations for marketing planning


  • Campaign manager: Automates the complete campaign management from selection through to your follow-telephony
  • 360 degree consulting: Supports planning new campaigns, and all other topics related to the topic of CRM.
  • Survey
  • CRM Marketplace: To make the right decisions in relation to meet promotional materials and partner companies such as advertising agencies, letter shops or call centers
  • Marketing Commang (ASMC): Makes control easy marketing success; sales campaign, response rate andcross-selling

SWOT Analysis


  • No installation required: cloud
  • Intuitive usability, high performance and bottom-line impact
  • Highly experienced team
  • Renowned customers: BMW AG
  • All aspects of trade marketing


  • Only cater to the German automotive market currently
  • CRM software in German only – language barrier, software needs to be in English if wish to go global


  • Enhance: multiple languages, prevalence of digital marketing tools
  • Expand: Increase market outreach


  • Competitors worldwide

Industry Analysis

  • 2012 CRM software market was about $11 billion – Gartner, 2013
  • CRM software market grew about 12% (between 2011 and) 2012 – IDC, 2013

Competitor Analysis: Singapore

Veart Competitor Analysis (China).png

Veart Competitor Analysis (Singapore).png

Presentation Slides

You can download our Veart Company Presentation Slides here.


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  3. gartner (2013). Gartner Says Worldwide Customer Relationship Management Software Market Grew 12.5 Percent in 2012, gartner. [Online] Available from: [Retrieved on 24102013].
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