2324T1 Tokyo/Participant Information/Regina Ang
About Yourself
SMU email: regina.ang.2021@scis.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reginaang-ra
Academic Year: Year 2 (2021)
Degree: BSc Information Systems (Major in Digitalization & Cloud Solutions) & 2nd Major in Computing Studies (Cybersecurity)
Why Virtual TSM?
- What motivates you to join TSM?
My motivation for joining the Technopreneurship Study Mission (TSM) stems from my interest in the intersection of technology and entrepreneurship. During my previous internship as a software engineer at Dive Analytics, I became aware of the potential cybersecurity threats that can arise if codes are not properly written or if applications are deployed on the wrong type of cloud. This experience sparked my curiosity in exploring the world of technopreneurship, and I am excited to expand my knowledge in this area through the IS404 course at SMU.
Furthermore, having previously founded a small business selling custom-made keychains, I believe that entrepreneurship is a field that requires creativity, innovation, and an entrepreneurial mindset. I am particularly interested in the cybersecurity industry, as it is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to make a significant impact on society. Through the TSM course, I hope to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue my passion for entrepreneurship in the cybersecurity industry and create innovative solutions that address the growing need for cybersecurity.
- Where would you like to visit?
I would be interested in visiting cybersecurity companies and startups in Tokyo, such as CyberAgent or TrendMicro. I believe that these companies would provide valuable insights into the cybersecurity industry, particularly in the Asian market. Additionally, I would also like to visit Softbank and explore their investment strategies and how they support technopreneurs in the cybersecurity industry. Furthermore, I am also keen to explore other companies in Tokyo that use cybersecurity solutions to protect their products, such as Nintendo. By learning from these companies and their approaches to cybersecurity, I believe that I can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly growing field.
Starting a business
- What types of business interest you?
I am interested in businesses that focus on cybersecurity and technology, particularly those that address the growing need for cybersecurity solutions in today's digital age. As someone with experience in sales and entrepreneurship, I am also interested in businesses that leverage technology to create innovative sales and marketing strategies. Ultimately, I hope to combine my experience in sales and entrepreneurship with my interest in cybersecurity to start a business that addresses a specific need in the cybersecurity industry.
- What plans do you have in starting a business?
Based on my interests and experience, I am considering starting a cybersecurity company that offers customized cybersecurity solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. My goal is to provide affordable and effective cybersecurity solutions to businesses that may not have the resources to hire a full-time cybersecurity team. I plan to leverage my experience in sales and marketing to develop innovative sales strategies for this business, while also partnering with cybersecurity experts to develop and implement effective solutions for our clients. As Cybersecurity is an extremely broad field, I am slowly building up on them by self-studying, joining hackathons and interning in security roles to equip myself with the knowledge of defenses against cyber-attacks.
Past Experiences (optional)
Entrepreneur Experience:
- LittleCharms
- Founded: 2014-2016
- Inspiration: The inspiration behind LittleCharms was a personal love of crafting and creating cute and unique accessories. Products were sold exclusively in Singapore, with a focus on reaching customers through Instagram.
- DSO National Laboratories - Cloud Security Intern, May '23 - Aug '23 (incoming)
- Dive Analytics (Start-up) - Software Engineering Intern, May '22 - Aug '22
- NTU SPIRITCYBER-22 IoT Hackathon (3rd place winner)
- SUTD What The Hack 2022 (hardware & software IoT hackathon)
- SMU Whitehat Society - Events Executive, Oct '22 - Present
- SMU Business Intelligence & Analytics - Member, Aug '21 - Dec '22
- SMU Women in Tech - Member, Aug '21 - May '22
- SMU Artificial Intelligence - Member, Aug '21 - Apr '22
Community Service:
- SMU Red Cross (Project Developing Community) - First-Aid Volunteer, Aug '22 - Dec '22