2324T1 Tokyo/Participant Information/Joel Tan
Joel Tan
About Joel Tan
SMU email: joel.tan.2021@scis.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joel-tan-a599b6201/
Academic Year: Year 2 (2021)
Degree: BSc Information Systems (Major in Digitalisation and Cloud Solutions)
Why Virtual TSM?
- What motivates you to join TSM?
I heard so much about TSM especially because it allows us to expand our horizon to see startups beyond Singapore. TSM has always been on my bucket list, just having the ability to explore the startup scene in Japan will introduce me to what it is like to start a company in Asia and hopefully help me to broaden my network in order. This would help in the future when the business I start grows big enough to branch out into the Asia market.
- Where would you like to visit?
Tokyo: Softbank, Canon, Nexon, Fujitsu, Nomura Research Institude, Kotozna
Starting a business
- What types of business interest you?
The Businesses where people are so passionate about creating a product that really impacts the world. I want to learn how they fuel their passion and hunger to create something that will better the lives of many. Being so passionate for something to the point where there is a high chance of it failing, but because of their willingness to try and defy all odds, they are able to come up with a product that changes everything. Hence I do wish to see what gives them that fire to keep believing in their product.
- What plans do you have in starting a business?
I do have some plans especially when it comes to starting a business. For example, I had the plan to start a family tree app, meant to help families track their entire family tree especially if their families are really big. Or even things like a Smart water cooler, and being a christian myself... I did think of using Natural Language Processing to process the bible and trying to get the rough sentiments for the different books in the bible. Hopefully, I do wish to roll out these application onto the App store.
Past Experiences (optional)
- Company name (website) What it does? Founders: Name. Years: May '22 - Aug '22
- ComfortDelgro (Taxi): Years Jan 21 - Aug 21 (Helpdesk)
- ComfortDelgro (Taxi): Years Aug 21 - Dec 22 (Agile Team, QA)
- AlignTech: Year Jan 23 - Mar 23 (Mobile App Development)
- Incoming:
- SMBC: May 2023 - July 2023
- SMU Ultimate Frisbee: Years Aug 21 - Now
- SMU Cru: Years Dec 21 - Now