2324T1 Tokyo/Participant Information/Elton Tay

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Express Yourself

About Yourself

SMU email: elton.tay.2021@scis.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elton-tay/
Academic Year: Year 2 (AY22/23)
Degree: BSc Information Systems (Major in Digitalisation and Cloud Solutions & Business Analytics)

Profile photo copy.jpg

Why TSM?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

Aside from the privilege to go on a culturally and experientially rich trip to explore the technology scene outside of our tiny nation, being able to execute this study mission with driven, industrious and like-minded individuals would also be something i am looking forward too.

  • Where would you like to visit?

Tokyo: Oracle Corp (jp), Rakuten Group, Nomura Research Institute, Nintendo Co.

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?

X business with X technology that will change the way we do things.

  • What plans do you have in starting a business?

I aim to start a X business that does X in the X industry. I have X team with X business model applying for X funding. My prototype can be found in X.

Past Experiences (optional)


  • Truffle Technologies - Software Engineer Intern (Front-end): May '23 - Aug '23
  • Shopee - Data Analyst Intern: Sep '22 - Dec '22
  • Superminted Co. - Web Development Intern: May '22 - Aug '22

Other Relevant Work Experience:

  • COR-IS1702 Computational Thinking - Teaching Assistant: Jan '23 - Present
  • SMU Academy - Student Assistant: May '22 - Present


  • SMU Coder's Assembly - Education Director: May '22 - Present
  • SMU .Hack - Member: Aug '21 - Present
  • SMU BIA - Member: Aug '21 - Present
  • SMU Indoor Competitive Men's Volleyball - Member: Aug '21 - Present