2324T1 Tokyo/Participant Information/Au Yeong Wei Bin
About Wei Bin
SMU email: wb.auyeong.2021@scis.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/weibinauyeong/
Academic Year: Year 2 (2021)
Degree: BSc Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence Track)
Why TSM?
What motivates you to join TSM?
I want to explore the different startup cultures around the world, especially in a country like Japan, which is so user experience focused, I would like to see how that translates into the startups in Japan.
Where would you like to visit?
Tokyo: Ichiran Ramen, 7-11, Lawson, Family Mart, Sushidai @ Toyosu Market, GACHA MACHINES
Miyagi: Tashirojima (Cat Island)
Starting a Business
What types of business interest you?
I am interested in exploring startup ecosystem builders, as it is the fastest way to understand the startup ecosystem in a country or region. In the case of Japan, I would like to visit VCs that run accelerator programs like DEEPCORE and Plug and Play Ventures, especially so for DEEPCORE, as I was a part of the venture builder programme by 500 Startups (Now 500 Global), and Jin Tanaka was a mentor when I was in the programme, and is currently at DEEPCORE. I thoroughly enjoyed the lessons taught by Jin during my time in the venture builder programme, and would like to visit DEEPCORE to learn more from him. Besides exploring startup ecosystem builders, I would also want to visit the success stories of Japan, like Nintendo (headquartered in Kyoto), as well as interesting startups like Not a Hotel, which is like airbnb on steroids.
What plans do you have in starting a business?
I am still exploring different industries and finding a problem that resonates with me, but I definitely would like to start my own company, an realistically speaking, have a proper one in my thirties, after experiencing a few failures, as well as learning best practices from working for other companies.
Past Experiences
Startups and Entrepreneurship
- Candid - Role: Co-founder
- Awarded $10,000 from Mission:Unite 2020, organized by MCCY and StartupX
- Participated in Tribe Talkin’, an event by MCCY and Youtube Singapore.
- Engaged participants over the course of multiple small group facilitated conversations about sensitive topics like race and religion.
- 500 Startups (Now 500 Global) - Role: Venture Builder (May '21 - Jul '21)
- Singapore Management University - Role: Research Assistant under Prof. Jiang Jing (Incoming Summer)
- JTC Corporation - Role: Software Engineer (Jan '23 - Apr '23)
- Kura Kura Pte. Ltd. - Role: Software Engineer (Jan '22 - Apr '22)
CCA, Events, CSP
- SMU Business Intelligence & Analytics - Role: Curriculum (DAP) Director (Mar '23 - Apr '24)
- SMU Business Intelligence & Analytics - Role: President (Mar '22 - Apr '23)
- SMU Samba Masala - Role: Member (Sep '21 - Sep '23)
- Growth-X Consulting - Role: Analyst (Sep '21 - Apr '22)
- DM Workshop 2023 - Role: Instructor
- Explorescis Python Workshop 2022 - Role: Instructor
- Project Vikasa VII 2021/22 - Role: Planning Committee
- Sports Fiesta: Fotia 2022 - Role: Facilitator
- GISA Mentoring Committee 2022 - Role: Vice President
Academic Achievements
- Outstanding Project Award, SMU-X and Credit Suisse
- Dean's List AY2021-22
- SMU Global Impact Scholarship Award