2223T2 Silicon Valley/Participant Information/Lim Shu Ying

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TSM2023 SiliconValley Logo.png

Express Yourself

Just An Introduction

SMU email: shuying.lim.2020@scis.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/limshuying/
Academic Year: Year 3 (2020)
Degree: BSc Information Systems (Business Analytics)


Why TSM?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

I adore learning, experimenting, and building things. I like that there’s no structure. There’s no playbook. Ever since I know that I am given the chance to visit sillicon valley in TSM, it exhilarates me. I like to embrace the discomfort of constant novelty, of getting pulled into absolute discussion of possibilities. As this module is about presenting ideas, there are definitely many uncertanties and setbacks we have to accept and prep ourselves before we go. With all of these in mind, i want to truly grasp this opportunity to inculcate the understanding of different cultures.

I am an ambitious person and i have both interest in business and technological aspect as i believe a can create values wherever i go. I want to understand how different cultures adopt technological aspect and I look forward to bring something meaningful back to Singapore.

Most importantly, before i assume that i would like to embark on a start-up career, I would like to observe the environment of working in places like Sillicon Valley as it is known to have world's largest high-tech companies. I feel fascinated because I get to see stressed up people coping in a progressive environment and how they deal with their situation as well as how is the company being run as a whole.

I really liked this short paragraph written :

" you’ll see two people working either right beside each other or right across from each other, and they’re talking over Slack. They could just literally look up and talk to each other. Sherry Turkle at MIT has called this phenomenon “alone together.” Technology that’s meant to bring us together ends up disintermediating us and actually separating us from each other. The more we talk about AI and the more we talk about robotics, people are coming to realize the tremendous value of person-to-person connections. Those things are becoming worth more in a world where anybody can have the same technology. So, it’s the quality of the people in your organization that maybe is going to determine the success of your organization "

i came to realise how impeccable technology is that sometimes it does brings efficiencies to life and changing the way we live while also unintentionally pulling us apart even though it is suppose to connect us together. Thus, i wish to explore new mindsets of people living/working at sillicon valley while engaging in purposeful conversations with them.

  • Where would you like to visit?

Silicon Valley

Companies: Apple, Google, Meta, Chevron

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?

Blockchain businesses. Two companies that really interest me are IBM and CipherTrace.

IBM is one of the most prominent companies to prioritize blockchain in its future business model.

CipherTrace develops cryptocurrency anti-money laundering services, cryptocurrency forensics, and blockchain threat intelligence solutions. The company allows users to trace transaction flows and comply with regulatory anti-money laundering requirements, working with exchanges, banks, investigators, regulators and digital asset businesses. CipherTrace protects banks from crypto-laundering risk and grows the crypto economy, making virtual assets safe for mass adoption.

Past Experiences


  • SMU - Project Manager Internship at DeliveryChinatown - May to August 2022


  • SMU - Project Manager Internship at DeliveryChinatown - May to August 2022
  • Singapore Polytechnic - OCBC Bank - Apr 2019 - Aug 2019

Leadership Roles:

  • SMU - Ivory Keys - Honorary General Secretary - Dec 2021 to Present
  • Singapore Polytechnic - Publicity and Human Resource Council - Apr 2018 to Apr 2019

Community Service:

  • SMU - Whispering Hearts Family Service Centre IC - Jan 2021 to Present