2122T2 Silicon Valley/Participant Information/Petras Tan
About Petras
SMU email: petras.tan.2019@scis.smu.edu.sg
Academic Year: 3
Degree: Bachelor of Science (Information Systems), Business Analytics and Digitalization & Cloud Solutions
Why Virtual TSM?
- What motivates you to join TSM?
I think TSM is an excellent opportunity to be able to gain some insights into the start-up culture abroad, especially in a place like Silicon Valley where many great tech companies were born. Having come from a JC background where I did not have much chances to experience tech as an industry, I am still relatively new to the world of technology and the opportunities that it presents. I believe this TSM will provide an excellent platform for me to be able to learn from some of the greatest minds in the world and to truly broaden my horizons.
- Where would you like to visit virtually?
Silicon Valley, Beijing, Ho Chi Minh
Starting a business
- What types of business interest you?
- What plan do you have in starting a business?
I do not have any plans in starting a business as of now, but here's to hoping that this TSM can help me to take that first step forward!
Past Experiences (optional)
- Government Technology Agency - Business Analyst Intern
- Morakot Technology (Start-up in Phnom Penh, Cambodia) - Winter Intern
Co-Curricular Activities
- SMU Business Intelligence & Analytics - Senior Data Associate/Mentor
- SMUX Skating - Training/Safety IC
- Ellipsis Tech Series Goldman Sachs AWS Hackathon 2021