1920T2 NewYorkCity/Participant Information/Debbie Lee Shan Ying

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Debbie Shan Ying Lee


SMU email: debbie.lee.2016@sis.smu.edu.sg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/debbie.lee.5836
Academic Year: 4
Degree: Information Systems
2nd Major: N.A
One random fact: I worked as a dental nurse for 4 years.

Why TSM New York City?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

TSM is a good opportunity outside of the classroom to apply the concepts we learnt in school. Being an IS student, the school has equipped us with theories and lessons about technology and entrepreneurship knowledge. By going for TSM, I will be able to see for myself how all these knowledge work together in real life and learn from the people who have been through everything when they built up their businesses. I believe that there will be a lot of lessons learnt from these people that we will meet, as well as those who are going on the trip since we have the same interests when going for this trip.

  • Why pick New York City?

New York City is a bustling hub by itself, and in the recent years more attention has been on its tech scene. In fact, according to a news article by Bloomberg, there is potential that it will soon take over Silicone Valley as the future tech hub. Growing up in Asia, it will be interesting to find out about the tech scene in America where the culture will be different.

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?

I am interested in F&B businesses but would like to infuse tech into it to improve the business structure.

  • What plan do you have in starting a business?

I think the first step is to find out more about how past entrepreneurs built their businesses, and the more important ones to learn are from failures than success. This is because it is easier to fail than succeed in building a business.

Past Experiences (optional)

  • Data Science Intern at CSIT Singapore (May 2019 - Aug 2019)
  • Data Science Intern at PSA Singapore (May 2018 - Aug 2018)

What keeps you ticking?

The people who believe, guided and mentored me, despite all the lack of experience I have. In addition to that are my personal goals to grow.