1314T2g1 South Korea/Participant Information/Wong Kee Siang Glen
|| About || Wong Kee Siang Glen ||
Name: Wong Kee Siang Glen
Academic Year: 3
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management
2nd Major: Advance Business Technology - Technopreneurship Track
CCA: SMU Tennis-Competitive (Current), SMU Tennis-Recreational (Vice-Captain,AY2011-2012) LOMS Champion(AY2011)
Hobbies: Photography, Eating, Playing Tennis, Playing the guitar
Facebook: Click here!
|| Why TSM South Korea? ||
- What motivates you to join TSM?
Being able to explore what are the latest innovations that have been going on in another country and also able to learn the good, the bad and the ugly through the experiences of successful technological start-ups. This is also an opportunity to gain inspirations for new ideas. Of course not to forget making new friends and enjoy meeting new people.
- Why pick South Korea?
South Korea is one of the leading country in technology start-ups in the Asia region. Being the country which houses a few of the largest and leading smart phone makers and also new innovative products, it really makes me want to see how technology have been embedded into the lifestyle of the current generations. Also with the K-wave hitting nearly the entire world, I am looking to see what new concepts or ideas which could be the next big thing that could affect Singapore.
|| Internship Opportunites ||
- What types of internship opportunities interest you?
I am hoping for a development firm which is dealing with Augmented Reality Technology. Though such technology may not be seen as something impactful, I believe that one day it would be a technology that will change the life of many. Imagine having subtitle overlays which translate what the other party(of a different country) is saying when conversing or maybe differentiating colors apart by overlaying the name of the color so people who are color blind are able to differentiate the colors. There are definitely tons and tons of ideas how AR can benefits ones life and that's why I would like to gain some experience in this field if there is the chance.
- Any ideal firms (based in South Korea) that you wishes to join?
Currently there is no firms which I know of that I wish to join.
|| Starting A Business ||
- What types of business interest you?
I am leaning towards a business to create and innovate my own product(Basically mobile applications & AR based) for others to use and solve their problems.
- What plan do you have in starting a business?
Currently, I am cooperating with some of my business partners to get the scope right for a certain idea while learning whatever technology, skills or best practices through the modules I am currently taking. Therefore, I am prioritizing modules that will benefits me in order to begin in the development process as soon as possible.
|| Past Experiences ||
- Describe your past experience (entrepreneurship, or works in start ups etc)
I do not have any past experience as this ambition in starting my own company happens when I was still serving my National Service. Therefore, I hope that I will be able to learn from prof and the companies that we will be visiting in this trip to broaden my knowledge and get me in the right track in building my own company.