In this phase of the project we attempt time-series data mining techniques on the provided dataset. We will breakdown the analysis into different commuter's type:
- Adult
- Senior Citizens
- Student
Here is only a short summary of our discussion, to view the rest of the analysis and for more detailed explanation on the discussion please refer to our Report.
Is the free ride policy effective in solving the overcrowding problem?
The policy in place is timely and accurate for the morning peak for stations in town. However, as seen from the entry clusters for the Adults, the problem is not with disembarking the trains, but the problem of boarding the train to head home after work in the evening.
LTA could purchased more trains while also increasing the train frequency to serve the increasing needs during peak and non-peak hours
Train operators might deploy carriages that do not have any seats to allow more commuters to board the trains or add the extra carriage could be ‘reserved’ for people who are travelling longer distance.
Senior Citizen
It is as though the two commuter groups overlap each other. The demands for entry for these two clusters are very close. This suggests that there are as many Senior Citizens boarding as Adults. Now we not only have Adults struggling to board the trains, we also have Senior Citizens competing to board the trains’ home.
We could have busses that head directly into the estates in the heartlands and also increasing the free train rides to include evening They could also reserving a carriage for Senior Citizens during the peak period and have special carriage to have more seats.
During the school holidays, there are some Students who would take part time job and it increases the traffic for the stations in the commercial areas. However, it seems that the policies in place are not in line with the demands of the train services.
Our suggestions would be to include the possibilities of increase the carriage per train or having dedicated carriages for people who are heading to stations far way for those who board from the city area.