ANLY482 AY2017-18 T2 Group 31 Main Findings and Analysis
Findings and Analysis
Spatial Point Analysis
Conducted spatial point distributions in Singapore on QGIS
Focus on HDB Land-Use Type as highest number of notifications
Case study done on Bedok Reservoir HDB region
Belongs to the same precinct with only one entrance at Bedok Reservoir View near roundabout
Modified L Test
Sharp increase due to data quality issues during collection of data
Duplicates and points that are very close together
Signs of statistically significant clustering even at very small radius
Between 54.5 metres and 62 metres
Clustering but not statistically significant
Statistically significant radius of 62 metres with signs of clustering
Likely to find another indiscriminately parked bike within 62 metres
Used as input for kernel density estimation
Kernel Density Estimation
61 notifications for these clusters
Highest density observed for Blk 761 and 769
Blk 761 next to Bedok Reservoir MRT Station
Observational Study
Next to Bedok Reservoir MRT Station
Long cycling path along the perimeter of the HDB precinct to the MRT Station
Convenient to cycle from their home to the MRT Station
Park the bikes at Block 761 before going MRT
Connected to Carpark Deck 3A via linkway bridge
Overhead bridge that connects from Deck 3A to Fengshan precincts
Through interviews, people use the overhead bridge to get home from Fengshan Market & Food Centre
Effectiveness of Search Radius
Within 62m search radius, able to find an indiscriminately parked bike most of the time
However, need to consider cases of staircase and slopes
Inconvenience of carrying bikes up
Should still check these spots even if the distance is further than 62 metres
Lack of Yellow Boxes
Only 2 yellow boxes at Blk 765 and Blk 770
Yellow boxes are 220 metres away from each other but entire precinct is 630 metres
Resident mentioned that the problem was worse in the past and more yellow boxes would help to alleviate the problem