ANLY482 AY2017-18 T2 Group10 Project Overview: Data

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Data Overview

The data provided by Zingrill is in Microsoft Excel format for each Seoul Garden outlet by month. For now, they have provided the data for a total of 12 months from Dec 2016 to Nov 2017. One limitation is that the company has recently changed the format of the inventory data, and thus we would be working with 2 different formats of inventory data.

Metadata (Inventory)

For each month and every outlet, Zingrill uses an Excel file to record various information of the inventory. These include:

Column NameDescription
OutletOutlet ordering the product
SupplierSupplier from which product is being ordered from
Product CodeProduct unique identifier
Product NameName of product
PackagingHow product is packaged and sold. E.g. by KG, PKT or GRAMS
CasePacket, Container or Box
CaseBalBalance of Cases
UnitBalBalance of individual units
PriceByCashUnit cost for product
LastMthValueDollar value of product from previous month quantity
LastMthCaseDollar value of product from previous month quantity
CaseOpnStkAmount of product from previous month in terms of case
CasePurQTYAmount of cases bought in current month
UnitBalCalCombined balanced in terms of unit
CaseBalCombineCombined quantity from both cases and individual units
CaseUsageQTYQuantiy of cases used in month calculated by [CaseOpnStk+CasePurQTY-CaseBalCombine]
CaseUsageAmtAmount used in dollars
AcctTermCategory of product mainly for accounting purposes (Beverage, Food, etc)
CounterCategory of product (Vegetable, Sauce, Sushi)
TypeOutType of product (Vegetable, Sauce, Read-to-eat)let
CaseBalCombine$CaseBalCombine in terms of dollars

Metadata (Sales)

Sales, which is exclusive of tax, is calculated using the formula, "Sales = Net Sales + Service Charge". For their sales value, they have the following data:

Column NameDescription
Sales_dtthe sales date in format (dd/mm/yyyy)
Sales_daythe day of of the sales
Loc_idthe location ID
Loc_namethe location name
G_salesgross sales
Discountdiscount amount
Nett_salesthe total nett of sales (nett_sales = income - service - tax)
Servicethe amount of service charge borne by the customer
Taxthe amount of goods & services tax paid by the customer
Incomethe total amount of income collected (income = cash + cards + nets + voucher)
Cashthe amount of income from cash gained
Cardsthe amount of income from cards gained
Netsthe amount of income from nets gained
Voucherthe amount of income from voucher gained
Paxthe number of people served
Tv_counttransaction void count
Tv_amttransaction void amount
Countrythe country of the sale

Metadata (Monthly Programming logic unit)

The monthly programming logic unit displays the number of people who patronize Seoul Garden by month and by location, below is the metadata for this data:

Column NameDescription
Outletthe outlet number
Outletdescthe name of the outlet
TranstypeTransaction Type (Dine-in, Takeaway, HouseAccount)
Group_idgrouping of type of PLU, setting product purposes
Dept_idgrouping PLU for POS interface
Shiftcodethe shift of the day that the transaction took place in
Pluthe lookup code for the transaction
Descthe description of the transaction
Totalqtythe sum of the total of the type of transactions for the whole year
Unitpricethe price charged for one unit of a type of transaction
Totalamtthe product of totalqty and unitprice
Countrythe country the outlet is located in
Conceptthe type of restaurant concept
OutletNamethe name of the outlet
Companythe parent company of the outlet
Shiftdescription of the shiftcode
Dept_TypeDepartment type
Dept_Type2Product type
Dept_Type3day type
Shift2lunch / dinner shift