ANLY482 AY2016-17 T2 Group 2 Findings Finals
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Using Flowcharts Visualisations in Cross-Sectional Analysis: A case study of a production ticketing company in Singapore
The ability to visualise the flow and changes in customer behaviour within its primary business functions plays an important role in discovering insights for companies in a cross-sectional study. Unfortunately, the representation of data using primitive charts such as the bar and the pie charts are not sufficient to serve this purpose. In order to overcome this problem, a practice research study has been conducted to demonstrate the use of two powerful interactive visualisation tools - the Sankey and the chord diagrams, to represent the shift in customer base and discover actionable insights and knowledge from real world business performance data.
Using a ticketing company who has recently transited into the online business as a case study, this presentation aims to share with you our journey through this research process and the lessons learnt. The presentation starts with an overview of the business and research motivations to understand the changes in customer purchasing behaviour and to discover greater visualisation tools to represent such data in a cross sectional study. This is followed by a review of relevant literatures of the Sankey and chord diagrams. Next, the online ticketing company case study will be introduced. A detailed discussion on the implementation of the Sankey and chord diagrams using the ticketing transactional data will be presented. This is followed by a comprehensive discussion on the analysis results obtained and interesting insights gained from the analysis results. Last but not least, the extensibility of the Sankey and chord diagrams to other businesses and organizations and future research direction will also be discussed.
Our final paper can be found here: Team Kaikai - Final Paper