ANLY482 AY2016-17 T2 Group20 Project Documentation

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Group Meeting Minutes

No Date Agenda
1 12 Oct 2016 Email meeting to discuss scope of project
2 16 Dec 2016 Finalise scope of project
3 26 Oct 2016 Discussion on data cleaning and exploration results
4 21 Nov 2016 Re-consolidation of findings of data cleaning and exploration
5 8 Jan 2017 Project proposal and scope discussion
6 22 Jan 2017 Initial Data Exploration
7 11 Feb 2017 Brainstorming
8 12 Feb 2017 Feature Creation, Feature Selection and Feature Engineering
9 18 Feb 2017 Discussion on model results and mid-term report submission
10 18 Mar 2017 Modelling Discussion
11 25 Mar 2017 Final Report Discussion

Sponsor Meeting Minutes

No Date Agenda
1 9 Sept 2016 Face to face meeting with sponsor to discuss project scope
2 20 Sept 2016 Discuss results and align expectations on data readiness
3 20 Sept 2016 Discuss results and align expectations on data readiness
4 10 Oct 2016 Primary Research Discussion
5 15 Oct 2016 Primary Research Discussion
6 16 Oct 2016 Primary Research Discussion
7 20 Oct 2016 Primary Research Discussion
8 12 Dec 2016 Primary Research Discussion
9 20 Jan 2017 Primary Research Discussion
10 21 Jan 2017 Primary Research Discussion
11 23 Jan 2017 Approve phone interview checklist, emails to dealers and focus group discussions with Dealers
12 10 Feb 2017 Discuss results of primary research with sponsors: 1. Qualtrics Survey Results [1,2] 2. Phone Call Results 3.Focus Group Results
13 27 Feb 2017 Feedback from Interim Presentation and Discussion of Model
14 22 Apr 2017 Report and Presentation Discussion

Supervisor Meeting Minutes

No Date Agenda
1 13 Jan 2017 Project Selection and Discussion
2 16 Jan 2017 Project Discussion
3 16 Jan 2017 Project Discussion
4 23 Jan 2017 Update results on Data Exploration Analysis and modelling to be done
5 13 Feb 2017 Discuss results of model score and future steps
6 27 Feb 2017 Project Update
7 13 Mar 2017 Project Update
8 20 Mar 2017 Project Update
9 27 Mar 2017 Final Project and Sponsor Discussion

Milestone Deliverables

No Document
1 Proposal Report
2 Interim Report – File:Group 20 InterimReport.docx
3 Interim Presentation – File:Group20 interim slides.pptx
4 Final Report – File:ANLY482-Final-UCDA-Paper Group20.docx
5 Final Presentation – File:Group20 final slides.pptx