ANLY482 AY2016-17 T2 Group11: Documentation

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T11 logo.png

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T11 sponsor minutes.jpg
S/N Date Agenda Meeting Minutes
1. 4 January 2017
  1. Team Introduction
  2. Course/Module Requirements
  3. Project Scope
Sponsor Meeting 1
2. 6 January 2017
  1. Non-Disclosure Agreement
  2. Type of Data Required
  3. Project Scope
Sponsor Meeting 2
3. 25 January 2017
  1. Project Scope
  2. Signing of Non-Disclosure Agreement Forms
Sponsor Meeting 3
T11 supervisor minutes.jpg
S/N Date Agenda Meeting Minutes
1. 5 January 2017
  1. Project Sponsor and NDA
  2. Project Scope
Supervisor Meeting 1
2. 12 January 2017
  1. Proposal Feedback
  2. NDA
Supervisor Meeting 2
3. 18 January 2017
  1. NDA Forms
  2. Project Scope
Supervisor Meeting 3
4. 26 January 2017
  1. Revised Project Scope
  2. Change in Sponsor and Project
Supervisor Meeting 4
5. 2 February 2017
  1. Update on Discussion with Prof Koh
  2. Learning Analytics Project
Supervisor Meeting 5
6. 9 February 2017
  1. Discussion on Project Scope
  2. Midterm Discussion
Supervisor Meeting 6
7. 16 February 2017
  1. Update on Practicum
  2. Interim Discussion
Supervisor Meeting 7
8. 2 March 2017
  1. Updates and clarification for changes performed after Interim presentation
Supervisor Meeting 8
9. 10 March 2017
  1. Updates on statistical analysis performed
Supervisor Meeting 9
10. 23 March 2017
  1. Updates on Multiple Linear Regression analysis
Supervisor Meeting 10
11. 30 March 2017
  1. Updates on Multiple Linear Regression analysis and Recursive Tree
Supervisor Meeting 11
12. 4 April 2017
  1. Confirmation of Models used
Supervisor Meeting 12
13. 6 April 2017
  1. Finalizing report parts
Supervisor Meeting 13
14. 18 April 2017
  1. Seek feedback on how we can improve on the research papers
Supervisor Meeting 14
T11 team minutes.jpg
S/N Date Agenda Meeting Minutes
1. 21 December 2016
  1. Shortlist Potential Project Sponsors
Team Meeting 1
2. 14 January 2017
  1. Sharing on Panel Data Analysis
  2. Update Meeting Minutes Template
  3. Review Gantt Chart
  4. Finalise Team Logo
  5. Proposal and Wiki Updates
  6. Brainstorm Dashboard Design Ideas
Team Meeting 2