Group01 proposal

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Research Paper


As data is easier to collect and computers have better computing power, companies are trying to use the data to guide them to make a more informed decisions. One of the application is to find the association rules between products by using Market Basket Analysis (MBA). However, the conventional way of analyzing the rules is through plotting the rules by using scatterplot. This can be hard to identify the underlying relationship of the rules, especially the number of rules are large.

Besides that, the conventional way to illustrate the graph is through static plot. This doesn't allow the users to interact with the graphs as shown in Fig X below.

  • static graph*

Besides, if the users were to change one of the parameters of the model after looking at the graph, the users would have to go back to the model, change the parameters and re-run the whole model. This doesn't allow the users to be able to calibrate the model on-the-fly.

In this research project, we focus on the shortcomings mentioned above through building a R Shiny. This will also enable other users who are not so good in programming to interact with models and draw insights from the data.

Before jumping right into the case study, let's visit some of the key concepts of the techniques & the relevant R packages will be used in this analysis.

Market Basket Analysis

Market basket analysis is a type of data mining technique to find association rules between different objects in a set, find frequent patterns in a transaction database, relational databases or any other information repository.

Following is an example of the association rules:


The association rules can be split into left hand side (LHS) and right hand side (RHS). So, based on the example provided above, LHS of the rules consists of Organic Fuji Apple and right hand side consists of banana. The rules basically tells us that organic fuji apple is associated with banana. So, if we find the organic fuji apple in the grocery basket, there is a chance we might find banana in the basket as well.

This is often used in retail services to understand the products that are being purchased together. This would help the companies in designing their cross-sell or up-selling strategies. For example, assume product A has a relatively higher profit margin and it is often purchased together with product B. The company could bundle these two products to increase the sales of the products in order to increase its profit margin.

Key Concepts

There are a few key measurements under market basket analysis, which are:
- Support: Measure how frequent the item or item set appears in the transactions
- Confidence: Measure the likelihood that customers would buy the products shown in the rules, given that they have the products listed on the left hand side in their basket
- Lift: Co-occurence of products on the left hand side and right hand side exceeds the likelihood of products on left hand side and right hand side are independent

Following are the illustrations of the key concepts mentioned above:

Key indicator.jpg

So, we will be using apriori function in arules R packages in finding the underlying association rules. inspectDT function will be used to transform the derived rules into an interactive data table to allow the users to sort and filter on the rules. This is to enhance the user's data exploration experience by implementating two of the taxonomy suggested in the article Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis by Jerrrey Heer and Ben Shneiderman.

arules has another R package allows users to plot the association rules and the relevant package is called arulesViz. However, this R packages only allows us to create static graph of the network graph. So, to overcome this, we will be using visNetwork. Before jumping into the R packages, let's understand what is network visualisation.

Network Visualization

Network Visualization is a technique often used to show the relationships between the different items. As the name suggested, this technique shows the relationship in network type of format, which is easier for the users to understand how different items are related to one another. Refer to the link for more example of network visualization.

Network visualization can be used in many areas, such as biology, social network, computer science and so on. This has helped the users to uncover the different insights.

In this group project, we have compared igraph and visNetwork to weight pros and cons of both R packages. We have also done some research online to see what others said about these packages. In particular, an article Interactive Network Visualization with R written by Niklas Junker gave us a clear reason why visNetwork is better than igraph.

Case Study: Instacart Grocery Data

To illustrate how the network visualization technique can complement the association rules derived from market basket analysis, we will be using dataset from Instacart.

This data is downloaded from the The Instacart Online Grocery Shopping Dataset 2017 on Feb 2020. The data dictionary can be found this link.

About Data Set

Below is the summary of the dataset used:
- There are more than 33,000,000 transactions from about 206,000 unique customers
- The transactions contains the products purchased by the customers under each order
- The sequences of the transactions are also available in the dataset

Application: R Shiny

R Shiny is a great tool for interactive web application. Hence, it is chosen to build the association model and visualise the underlying association rules.

There are a lot of conventional tools allow us to mine for association rules. However, these tools are often not so flexible when it comes to customization. Often, it takes weeks to months to deploy a customized function the users would like to have. On the other hands, R Shiny is also flexible for the users to make necessary changes to include certain functions or info. For example, parameters and buttons will be added to the application to allow the users to calibrate the model. This is an good example how data scientists could enable the users who may not be proficient in coding to perform analysis jobs.

Following are other R packages used in building the R Shiny:

Package Description
tidyverse The tidyverse is an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science.
readr Read Excel Files in R.
dplyr Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data.
ggplot2 Create graphics and charts.


In this project, we adopted the following principles:
- Design thinking through having periodic check-in with Prof Kam to ensure we are heading the right directions
- Fail early through iterating the prototypes with Prof Kam to land the interface design of the R Shiny


After several rounds of discussions with Prof Kam and several iterations, below is the final prototype for the design apps:


In summary, the design of this R Shiny is following

Following are key highlights of designed R Shiny as shown in the prototype:

Note that this final prototype has incorporated the feedbacks Prof Kam provided along the way.

Team Members
