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'''Check full visualization''' [https://public.tableau.com/profile/wei.ming3265#!/vizhome/WEI_MING_IS428_ASSIGNMENT/Home here]
'''Check full visualization''' [https://public.tableau.com/profile/wei.ming3265#!/vizhome/WEI_MING_IS428_ASSIGNMENT/Home here]
= Overview =
[[File:Home Navigator.png|thumb|center|800px|Figure1 Homepage Navigator]]
== Part 1: Preliminary Analysis ==
== Part 2: Damage Map ==
[[File:Damage map.png|thumb|center|800px|Figure2 Damage Map Dashboard]]
== Part 3: Change Over Time ==
[[File:Location selector.png|thumb|center|800px|Figure3 Location Selector]]
[[File:Calendar heatmap wm.png|thumb|center|800px|Figure4 Calendar Heatmap]]
[[File:Time series wm.png|thumb|center|800px|Figure5 Time Series Severity and Variance]]
[[File:Cycle plot wm.png|thumb|center|800px|Figure6 Cycle Plot Graph]]

Revision as of 21:43, 13 October 2019

MC1-2019.jpg Mini-Challenge 1: Crowdsourcing for Situational Awareness


Problem & Motivation


Data Transformation & Analysis

Interactive Visualization


Tasks & Questions

Check full visualization here


Figure1 Homepage Navigator

Part 1: Preliminary Analysis

Part 2: Damage Map

Figure2 Damage Map Dashboard

Part 3: Change Over Time

Figure3 Location Selector
Figure4 Calendar Heatmap
Figure5 Time Series Severity and Variance
Figure6 Cycle Plot Graph