ISSS608 2018-19 T1 Assign Soo Zhi Kai Conclusion
Conclusion & Comments
Top 3 insights
1) The environmental temperature is the largest meteorological factor to the pollution level. It affects the level of dispersion of these particulate matters from Sofia City. There is an urgent need to come up with measures to care of the citizens, especially the sick and vulnerable, during the winter months.
2) The vast increase in the number of citizens' measuring devices indicates a keen awareness of the problem and show that the community is willing to assist the authorities in eradicating the pollution. However, the lack of data on the sources of pollution does not allow an analysis on which source is the largest contributing factor to the situation. Having data on the sources, factor and outcome will allow for a wholesome examination.
3) The official stations are all within a radius a 4 mi from each other. It will be ideal for the stations to be located at various altitude or parts of the cities with possibly different temperature recordings. This would assist the authorities with the city planning, keeping away from sources of pollution as well as these basins of harmful particulate matters. However, the citizen air quality measurements records are taken all over Bulgaria. It is critical to sieve out only those data taken from Sofia and not other less polluted cities so as now to skew the data. It is important for the owners of these devices to conduct regular checks to ensure all intended data are accurately captured, else the data will be deemed dirty and be removed during further analysis.