ISSS608 2018-19 T1 Assign Cao Xinjie Task3

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WechatIMG8.png Sofia Air Pollution - Be a Visual Detective


Data Preparation





Altitude Influence

After joining the TOPO data into the Air_tube dataset, we can have the information of the altitude, longitude, and latitude. The altitude information of each sensor is in the figure below.


I put the altitude into the color and size measurement, so the darker and bigger the point, the higher it is. Through the figure, it's obvious that the lower left of the city has is higher than the upper right part of the city. To find out the relationship between altitude and air pollution, I put the P2 into the Color measurement and group the altitude data. The first group's altitude is 615-1333, the second group's altitude is 585-614, the third group's altitude is 536-584, the last is the fourth group. Through the figure below, we can find out the lower the altitude, the air pollution is heavier. Because when the first two group didn't have the red or orange point which means heavy pollution area. Air pollution increase with the decreasing of the altitude.


Wind,DewPoing, Pressure, Humidity, Temperature Influence

The x-axis is the date and y-axis is the average value of the max index of wind, Dewpoint, pressure, temperature, and PM2.5. We can find out that when the wind is high, the air pollution index is low. Because the wind can blow away the air pollution. In other to see it more obviously, I add several reference line in the figure, when wind speed is a maximum, the air mass index is a minimum for that time. The dew point information has the same trend with the wind, we put the min dew point in the y-axis. The figure below can tell us when the dew point is high the air pollution is low because the temperature can decrease the smog. When the dew point is low, the smog increase quickly. Temperature and humidity are the same trends with wind and dewpoint. Pressure is the same trend with air pollution when the pressure is high the pollution is heavy.


Transboundary pollution

From the picture below, you can see that Sofia is in a place where the pressure is very low, it's a local lowest point, and the air pollutants in the next three directions are going to flow with the pressure toward the place where the pressure is low, so the air pollutants around it are also going to cross the border into Sofia
