IS428 2017-18 T1 Assign Kong Song Wei
IS428 Assignment: To be a Visual Detective
Mistford is a mid-size city is located to the southwest of a large nature preserve. The city has a small industrial area with four light-manufacturing endeavors. Mitch Vogel is a post-doc student studying ornithology at Mistford College and has been discovering signs that the number of nesting pairs of the Rose-Crested Blue Pipit, a popular local bird due to its attractive plumage and pleasant songs, is decreasing! The decrease is sufficiently significant that the Pangera Ornithology Conservation Society is sponsoring Mitch to undertake additional studies to identify the possible reasons. Mitch is gaining access to several datasets that may help him in his work, and he has asked you (and your colleagues) as experts in visual analytics to help him analyze these datasets.
Mitch Vogel was immediately suspicious of the noxious gases just pouring out of the smokestacks from the four manufacturing factories south of the nature preserve. He was almost certain that all of these companies are contributing to the downfall of the poor Rose-crested Blue Pipit bird. But when he talked to company representatives and workers, they all seem to be nice people and actually pretty respectful of the environment.
In fact, Mitch was surprised to learn that the factories had recently taken steps to make their processes more environmentally friendly, even though it raised their cost of production. Mitch discovered that the state government has been monitoring the gaseous effluents from the factories through a set of sensors, distributed around the factories, and set between the smokestacks, the city of Mistford and the nature preserve. The state has given Mitch access to their air sampler data, meteorological data, and locations map. Mitch is very good in Excel, but he knows that there are better tools for data discovery, and he knows that you are very clever at visual analytics and would be able to help perform an analysis.
The Task
General task
The four factories in the industrial area are subjected to higher-than-usual environmental assessment, due to their proximity to both the city and the preserve. Gaseous effluent data from several sampling stations has been collected over several months, along with meteorological data (wind speed and direction), that could help Mitch understand what impact these factories may be having on the Rose-Crested Blue Pipit. These factories are supposed to be quite compliant with recent years’ environmental regulations, but Mitch has his doubts that the actual data has been closely reviewed. Could visual analytics help him understand the real situation?
The primary job for Mitch is to determine which (if any) of the factories may be contributing to the problems of the Rose-crested Blue Pipit. Often, air sampling analysis deals with a single chemical being emitted by a single factory. In this case, though, there are four factories, potentially each emitting four chemicals, being monitored by nine different sensors. Further, some chemicals being emitted are more hazardous than others. Your task, as supported by visual analytics that you apply, is to detangle the data to help Mitch determine where problems may be. Use visual analytics to analyze the available data and develop responses to the questions below.
Task 1: Sensor performance
Based on the data exploration, each monitor sends a reading update every hour to the server. As such, the sensors’ hourly readings are bundled into 24 counts of readings to analyse the daily reliability of each chemical sensor across the different monitors. The sensors’ performances are generally reliable as the majority of the number of readings obtained from each sensor is close to the expected number of inputs as observed in Fig 1.1. However, some unexpected behaviours can be identified from the visualisations.
There appears to be a bug within the sensor system which is causing an error which records the Methylsomolene readings as AGOC-3A. The bug in question is can be observed across all sensors. In figure 1.1, almost every blue data point (having higher than the expected count of readings) for AGOC-3A is accompanied by a data point in red for methlsomolene (indicating less number of reading count than expected). Upon inspection of the data point with faulty status, it can be observed that there are 2 AGOC-3A and no Methylsomolene entry at the same date time as shown in Fig. 1.2. Each instance of the misclassification appears to be accompanied by a spike in the reading for AGOC-3A. It is likely that the bug which causes the wrong entry is triggered by a heightened reading of AGOC-3A levels. More investigation needs to be done to rule out foul play with regards to the tempering of data as Methylsomolene is highly toxic and volatile.
In Fig. 1.1, it can be observed that there are a number of days where the number of readings is all below the expected count across all sensors, barring the bug as discussed previously. Upon careful inspection, all the days with widespread missing data appears to share the common characteristic of missing observations at 12am. Furthermore, the downtime appears to happen on every 2nd day of the month followed by an addition incident or two within 5 days. Therefore, it is very likely to be some form of maintenance of the sensor system which rendered the sensor unable to record the readings at the affected timing.
Task 2:
There are 4 different chemicals detected by the sensor groups, namely AGOC-3A, Appluimonia, Chlorodinine and Methylosmolene. In Fig 2.1.1, it can be observed that the average pollution reading for the across the month has increased with the interquartile range shifting upwards with each passing month in both the average and median readings. Additionally, Appluimonia and Chlorodinine levels appear to be relatively stable as compared to AGOC-3A and Methylosmolene levels.
In order to gain more insight into the chemical release pattern, the same data is analysed with aggregation at the weekly, daily and hourly level. One interesting finding is that AGOC-3A pollution appears to follow a schedule which starts between 5 to 6 am daily and tapers off by 10 pm as shown in Fig 2.1.2. On the other hand, Methylosmolene pollution can be observed to have higher levels between 10 pm to 5 am. However, we are unable to accurately tell if Methylosmolene levels are consistent throughout the day or only during these hours due to the bug highlighted in task 1.
A calendar view is used to gain further insight into the chemical release pattern. There appear to be no distinct patterns for pollution due to weekdays or weekend. However, in Fig. 2.2.1, monitor 3 and 4 appear to pick up a significantly higher level of pollution readings as compared to other monitors. Upon closer inspection, Appluimonia and Chlorodinine readings are disproportionally high for the 2 monitors. Further exploration and analysis will be conducted under task 3 to determine the source of the pollution.
Task 3:
- Characterize the sensors’ performance and operation. Are they all working properly at all times? Can you detect any unexpected behaviors of the sensors through analyzing the readings they capture?Limit your response to no more than 9 images and 1000 words.
- Now turn your attention to the chemicals themselves. Which chemicals are being detected by the sensor group? What patterns of chemical releases do you see, as being reported in the data? Limit your response to no more than 6 images and 500 words.
- Which factories are responsible for which chemical releases? Carefully describe how you determined this using all the data you have available. For the factories you identified, describe any observed patterns of operation revealed in the data. Limit your response to no more than 8 images and 1000 words.