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<font size = 5; color="#FFFFFF">IS428 Visual Analytics for Business Intelligence</font>
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[[Course_information| <font color="#FFFFFF">About</font>]]
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[[Lesson_Plan| <font color="#FFFFFF">Weekly Session</font>]]
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[[Assignments| <font color="#FFFFFF">Assignments</font>]]
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[[VAProject| <font color="#FFFFFF">Visual Analytics Project</font>]]
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[[Course_Resources| <font color="#FFFFFF">Course Resources</font>]]
|  &nbsp;
== Project Groups ==
== Project Groups ==
Please change ''Your Team name'' to your project topic and change ''student name'' to your own name
{| border="1" cellpadding="1"
|- style="background-color:#2B3856; color:white; height:50px"
! style="width:100px"| Project Team
! style="width:650px"| Project Title/Description
! style="width:150px"| Project Artifacts
! style="width:150px"| Project Member
<center>[[IS428_2017_18T1_Group01|Team XXX]]</center><br/>
'''Visualizing Global Warming and Climate Change'''
Recent president candidate of the US, Mr Donald Trump thinks that climate change is a hoax. That is really worrying, especially when current polls are showing that he is having a real chance in winning the election. Our team seeks to validate the climate change's truthfulness by exploring and visualizing ocean, land and weather data. Thus, we hope through this project, we settle the fact once and for all. Moreover, this serves as a tool to raise the awareness and understanding of our mother Earth's health status. How the climate has changed over time, which stage are we in and how many years does Singapore  has left to stay above the sea level.
<center>[[IS428_2017_18T1_Group01_Proposal |AWESOMENESS OVERFLOW]]</center><br/>
StackOverflow is the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share​ ​their programming ​knowledge, and build their careers. This is achieved through questions and answers posted on the site that concerns a wide range of topics related to computer programming. The success of such a platform depends on high quality questions and answers contributed by an engaged community. Thus, some measures to screen for quality includes using ‘badges’ to signify reputation for users, votes on post (upvote or downvote) and using community administrators to close questions that have been answered before or are irrelevant.
*[https://github.com/atwj/IS428-AWSOMENESS-OVERFLOW Application]
* TAN Wei Jie <b style="color:red">A</b>mos
* TAY <b style="color:blue">W</b>ei Rong
* ONG <b style="color:green">S</b>ue Cern
Please change ''Your Team name'' to your project topic and change ''student name'' to your own name
<center>[[1718t1is428T2|HOME SWEET HOME]]</center><br/>
[[File:1718T1G1 Logo.png|center|180px]]
With housing prices being a hot topic that most undergraduates are talking about as we approach that final period called graduation, don't you wish that there was a way for us to get a better picture of the housing market so that we can make our big decision on where we are going to live from now on? Thus, we sought out to look for a dataset which would be able to provide us with the required information we needed to come up with useful visualizations. Unfortunately, most datasets are incomplete or not useful in providing us with any insight unless a good amount of data cleaning and wrangling is done. For example, transaction data which only gives you the block number and road name with no postal code. How is that useful? Therefore, one of our primary goals is to come up with a visualization which would provide users with useful information about the resale market in Singapore and help people gain access to a better data set than the ones currently out there.
* Russell Yap Song Chen
* Benedict Wee Yu Rui
* Lucas Leong Li Heng
<center>[[1718t1is428T3|Visual Autolytics]]</center><br/>
'''COE, every car owner's worst nightmare'''<br>
If you plan to own a car for at least the next 10 years, chances are that the news on the zero-growth vehicle quota might have given you butterflies in the stomach – and not the good kind. As part of the government’s efforts to handle manage the strain on Singapore’s transport infrastructure, the government has implemented deterrent measures such as high carpark rates, multi-layered taxes and the maze-inducing ERPs.
Of these, the most direct measure has been the use of COEs to control the car population. While COEs increasingly take out a larger proportion of our income, a niggling of doubt still spurs some questions. If the COE is just a piece of paper, why do I need to pay so much for it? Why is the COE of my neighbour’s Maserati the same as my Cherry QQ’s COE? Follow Visual Autolytics as we crack the curious case of a car's COE.
* Cheryl Chiam
* Low Kang Li
* Sarah Jane Tong
<center>[[1718t1is428T12|Los Tres Potatoes]]</center><br/>
[[File:Los tres mascatero logo.png|center|200px|link=1718t1is428T12]]
'''The Panama Papers: A closer look into its networks in the Asia-Pacific region'''<br>
The Panama Papers (2016) are a huge leak — 11.5 million (approximately 2.6 TB) — of financial documents that reveal the financial holdings of the rich and powerful.
The global investigation into the secretive industry of offshore companies expose how politicians, celebrities, sportsmen and high-net-worth individuals set up front companies in remote jurisdictions to protect their cash from higher taxes, and facilitate bribery, arms deals, financial fraud and drug trafficking. Laying within the trove of leaked files are also the names of the rich and powerful in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, overshadowed by the media’s interest of more prominent names of the West. Our goal is to observe the complexity and structure of relationships between entities and individuals in each country in the APAC region, and to identify key parties in the offshore investments.
*[[1718t1is428T12 Poster|Poster]]
*[[1718t1is428T12 Application|Application]]
*[[1718t1is428T12 Research Paper|Report]]
* Victoria Koh Wei Ting
* Jonathan Chew Yee Long
* Siew Xue Quan Jazreel
<center>[[1718t1is428T15|On The Fly]]</center><br/>
'''Visualizing Singapore's Energy Consumption'''
Experts have warned that power demand is set to double by 2030 globally despite authoritative control. According to Energy Market Authority (EMA), Singapore has faced increasing power consumption from 1965 to 2013. As Singapore is land-scarce and does not have significant renewable energy options such as hydro-power, wave, or sufficient land for mass solar energy production, energy has been a top concern in the urban nation. It is thus important to promote energy saving concepts to the public as well as deploying energy saving solution island wide. Our team aims to create a visualisation that leverages on energy datasets provided by EMA to perform spatial analysis to identify energy usage clusters.
*[[1718t1is428T15 Poster|Poster]]
*[[1718t1is428T15 Application|Application]]
*[[1718t1is428T15 Research Paper|Research Paper]]
* Ng Jia Jun
* Tan Kun Sheng
* Wan Mei Ying
<center>[[1718t1is428T8|Data Traders]]</center><br/>
'''Visualizing Trade of Goods between Countries'''
Singapore’s location at the tip of the Malay Peninsula has long made it a vital hub for the trade of goods through the Straits of Malacca. This establishes the importance of understanding trade patterns, influenced by multiple macroeconomic factors, to safeguard the stability and future of the nation. Various government bodies pay close attention to these figures, continuously monitoring the trade numbers and the countries that contribute to it.
Although the Straits Times regularly refers to trade figures during reporting, we would like to challenge the status-quo and come out with better visualisations that can  display this information for the relevant agencies and the general public much quickly, clearly and concisely.
*[[1718t1is428T8 Poster|Poster]]
*[[1718t1is428T8 Application|Application]]
*[[1718t1is428T8 Research Paper|Research Paper]]
* Lawrence Mark Andrew
* Lu Jianan
* Tan Yong Jin
<center>[[1718t1is428T6|R Estate Vizards]]</center><br/>
[[File:R Estate Logo.jpg|center|250px]]
'''Visualizing Private Property Market in Singapore'''
Real Estate investment has always been a relatively safe choice for those seeking to gain decent returns on investment. Although there are plenty of opportunities to make huge profits from a real estate investment, it is a  complexed investment vehicle due to the economic, financial and geographical issues that one has to consider. In Singapore, several analytical tools have been created to help people in identifying potential investment opportunities in the property market.
However, existing analytical tools in the market have certain limitations due to the type of visualisation used. Therefore, we aim to develop a more effective and accurate visualisation of Singapore's non-landed private property market to meet the needs of analysts, investors and real estate agents.
* Kong Song Wei
* Peh Jing Yuan
* Tan Zhi Chong
<center>[[1718t1is428T10|Team VEJ]]</center><br/>
'''Visitors Of Singapore'''
Tourism has always been a sector of large importance to Singapore's economy. Based on the 2016 Marketing Report by Singapore Tourism Board (STB), STB has plans to grow Singapore's tourism industry. One of the key questions whilst analysing their market portfolio was how could STB determine the growth potential for our current and potential markets.
This project will provide an interactive visualisation to better analyse STB's strategy: should resources be allocated to investments in these markets to continue to drive demand? Or should STB start look at how it can diversify its market portfolio beyond Asia?
* Evan Tan Song Kai
* Jaren Lim Jian Quan
* Victor Tang Wing Ho
<center>[[1718t1is428T7|Mighty Morphine Power Rangers]]</center><br/>
'''Drug Movement'''
Drug trafficking is a global illicit trading involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sales of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws. The consequences of illicit drug use are widespread, causing permanent physical and emotional damage to users and negatively impacting their families, coworkers, and many others with whom they have contact.
{| class="wikitable centered" width="90%"
Globally, the movement and presence of these substances are difficult to track and control and poses a challenge for law enforcement. One of the main ways law enforcement controls the prevalence of these drugs is by maintaining strong boarder security. The seizure of drugs at the boarder is anything but a simple task, profiling and random guess work is commonly used as methods for detection. However, with the proper and in-depth analysis of trafficking trends we may be better able to control and reduce the slippages of traffickers through the boarders.
* Fan Kaiyang
* Mark Ng Wei Jie
* Gary Quek Jian Zhang
|width="10%"|<!-- Team --> [[Law403G1|AWS]]
|colspan="3"|<!-- First team member  --> TAN Wei Jie <b>A</b>mos
|colspan="3"|<!-- Second team member --> TAY Wei Rong
|colspan="3"|<!-- Third team member --> ONG Sue Cern
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fourth team member --> Student name
'''Relate Graduate Employment Survey with Labour Market'''
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fifth team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Sixth team member --> Student name
Singapore has developed rapidly over the past few decades and part of this development is attributed to the Education System. Singapore Education System is known to be stressful and concerns have been raised about the need to change. Is the goal at the end of this rat race worth the stress?
The Graduate Employment Survey (GES) is conducted on a yearly basis to provide insights on the salary prospects of a course. The Ministry of Education conduct these surveys yearly for Local Universities in Singapore. However, the results of these surveys are not interactive and do not provide any trends and insights with respect to the Labour Market demands.
This project aims to offer insights about the fresh graduate salary with respect to the Labour Market in Singapore over the years.
*[https://va-duo.firebaseapp.com Application]
*[[1718t1is428T13_Research Paper|Report]]
* Lim Wang Chun Wilson
* Wu Jianhua
|width="10%"|<!-- Team --> [[Law403G2|Your Team name]]
|colspan="3"|<!-- First team member  --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Second team member --> Student name
<center>[[1718t1is428T9|Same Same But Different]]</center><br/>
|colspan="3"|<!-- Third team member -->  Student name
[[File:1718T9G1_Logo.jpg |center|200px]]
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fourth team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fifth team member --> Student name
'''Airline and Airport Network and on-time Performance in US'''
|colspan="3"|<!-- Sixth team member --> Student name
Flight delays has been a very common problem for travelers, the delay can be attributable to various problems, such as, aircraft issues, weather issues at origin airport or/and destination airport. The delay has no doubts will disappoint air travelers and affect their flight experience greatly. Thus, in this project, our team aims to investigate the performance of different airlines and flight delays in detail.
In addition, airport network is a very critical and complex transportation infrastructure for a nation, it is increasingly important for public policy considerations. The disruptions of the airport network, caused by terrorist attack, disease transmission or other reasons, can lead to huge economic loss. Thus, the study on the airport network can assist us better understand the relationship between different airports, for example, identify most critical airport, and take proactive measures to prevent occurrence of disruptions. 
*[[1718t1is428T9_Poster: Poster|Poster]]
*[[1718t1is428T9_Application: Application|Application]]
*[[1718t1is428T9_Research_Paper: Research Paper |Report]]
* He Xi
* Wang Miao Qiong
* Shi Xiaoyu
<center>[[1718t1is428T11|Data Tsunami]]</center><br/>
[[File:Data tsunami logo.png|center|200px]]
'''Visualizing Private Car Resale Market in Singapore'''
Prices of new cars can be too expensive for price sensitive individuals to afford. However, through the used car market one will be able to afford the convenience of owning a car. For budget conscious individuals, buying a used can be a great way to save money. On the other hand, owners of existing cars interested to make a sale can enjoy savings from its successful sale. Hence, understanding the used car market can prove to be useful for individuals looking to sell / buy a existing car.
In addition, with the changing consumer car buying behavior and a rising market for used cars, our aim is to understand this growing used car market to enable better decision making for the different stakeholders involved. When consumers look at used cars, usually the price is one of the most important factor that influences buying decision. In addition, we will also like to explore which other variables affect the price most and how they are correlated.
*[[1718t1is428T11 Poster|Poster]]
*[[1718t1is428T11 Application|Application]]
*[[1718t1is428T11 Research Paper|Research Paper]]
* Dong Ruiyan
* Zhang Qian
* Lee Ting Kok Jeremy
|width="10%"|<!-- Team --> [[Law403G3|Your Team name]]
|colspan="3"|<!-- First team member  --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Second team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Third team member -->  Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fourth team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fifth team member --> Student name
'''You got Tax-ed! : Visualizing Tax Revenue in Singapore'''
|colspan="3"|<!-- Sixth team member --> Student name
How do governments build roads? How do government support the elderly? These are all only made possible through taxes. Tax revenue in Singapore serves to fund government operations and promote social and economic goals. To diversify tax revenue, taxes collection can come in different forms such as personal income tax and corporate tax. Tax schemes can be complex and difficult to understand,especially in Singapore where a progressive tax system is used in collecting individual income tax.
While IRAS publishes a summary of data collected in each tax area, there is no known platform that allows the public to understand Singapore's tax revenue and its compositions interactively. Hence, we hope to allow users to explore trends and patterns in the composition of Singapore’s tax revenue over the years. Furthermore, we hope that the interactive visualization will aid the public in understanding the key components of Singapore’s tax revenue and the extent of their contributions to tax revenue.
*[[IS428_2017_18T1_Group05:Research Paper|Research Paper]]
* Bryan Lau
* Tam Kei Wen
* Taffy Joan Cheow
|width="10%"|<!-- Team --> [[Law403G4|Your Team name]]
|colspan="3"|<!-- First team member  --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Second team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Third team member -->  Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fourth team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fifth team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Sixth team member --> Student name
|width="10%"|<!-- Team --> [[Law403G5|Your Team name]]
|colspan="3"|<!-- First team member  --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Second team member --> Student name
[[File:Image 2017-11-11 14-30-01.png|center|250px]]
|colspan="3"|<!-- Third team member -->  Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fourth team member --> Student name
'''Visualizing Weather Pattern in Singapore'''
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fifth team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Sixth team member --> Student name
Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) collects abundant data on the weather in Singapore. There are 63 Automated Weather Stations (AWS) in Singapore, that collect daily rainfall, temperature and wind speed. This data is readily available, yearly since 1980. However, this useful data is not being properly presented, in a way that is the weather trends and patterns can be easily inferred. We want to build an application that visualizes the rainfall, temperature and wind speed patterns in Singapore. The visualisation should display the data over time (daily, monthly, yearly), and over location (based on the location of the AWS). By doing so, we believe that various organisations will benefit, based on the patterns observed.
*[[1718t1is428T4_Research Paper|Report]]
* Foo Ru Jia
* Felicia Anto Christy
* M Has Nilofar
|width="10%"|<!-- Team --> [[Law403G6|Your Team name]]
|colspan="3"|<!-- First team member  --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Second team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Third team member -->  Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fourth team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fifth team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Sixth team member --> Student name
|width="10%"|<!-- Team --> [[Law403G7/G4|Your Team name]]
|colspan="3"|<!-- First team member  --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Second team member --> Student name
<center>[[1718t1is428T14|Vroom Vroom]]</center><br/>
|colspan="3"|<!-- Third team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fourth team member --> Student name
|colspan="3"|<!-- Fifth team member -->  Student name
'''F1nal Lap: Visualizing F1 Data'''
|colspan="3"|<!-- Sixth team member -->  Student name
Formula One (F1) is the highest class of automotive racing for open-wheel cars sanctioned by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA),the governing body of motor sports. Held annually since 1950, the FIA Formula One World Championship is a race series that garners a massive base of fans and spectators, and has become one of the most prominent automotive events and spectator sports of all time.
The F1 industry has grown to a multi-billion-dollar industry, with huge sponsorships and viewerships worldwide. It also spearheads innovation in engineering and its continued success and expansion paves the way for technological development, even beyond the automotive industry. This motivates us to support the industry by providing F1 drivers and teams with race-winning insights through analysis of historical F1 data.  
* Dinh Viet Nguyen
* Duong Ngo Bao Tran
* Yorisan Khosugi
{| class="wikitable centered" width="90%"

Latest revision as of 00:11, 27 November 2017

Va.jpg IS428 Visual Analytics for Business Intelligence


Weekly Session


Visual Analytics Project

Course Resources


Project Groups

Please change Your Team name to your project topic and change student name to your own name

Project Team Project Title/Description Project Artifacts Project Member
Team XXX

Visualizing Global Warming and Climate Change

Recent president candidate of the US, Mr Donald Trump thinks that climate change is a hoax. That is really worrying, especially when current polls are showing that he is having a real chance in winning the election. Our team seeks to validate the climate change's truthfulness by exploring and visualizing ocean, land and weather data. Thus, we hope through this project, we settle the fact once and for all. Moreover, this serves as a tool to raise the awareness and understanding of our mother Earth's health status. How the climate has changed over time, which stage are we in and how many years does Singapore has left to stay above the sea level.

  • XXX
  • XXX




StackOverflow is the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share​ ​their programming ​knowledge, and build their careers. This is achieved through questions and answers posted on the site that concerns a wide range of topics related to computer programming. The success of such a platform depends on high quality questions and answers contributed by an engaged community. Thus, some measures to screen for quality includes using ‘badges’ to signify reputation for users, votes on post (upvote or downvote) and using community administrators to close questions that have been answered before or are irrelevant.

  • TAN Wei Jie Amos
  • TAY Wei Rong
  • ONG Sue Cern

1718T1G1 Logo.png

With housing prices being a hot topic that most undergraduates are talking about as we approach that final period called graduation, don't you wish that there was a way for us to get a better picture of the housing market so that we can make our big decision on where we are going to live from now on? Thus, we sought out to look for a dataset which would be able to provide us with the required information we needed to come up with useful visualizations. Unfortunately, most datasets are incomplete or not useful in providing us with any insight unless a good amount of data cleaning and wrangling is done. For example, transaction data which only gives you the block number and road name with no postal code. How is that useful? Therefore, one of our primary goals is to come up with a visualization which would provide users with useful information about the resale market in Singapore and help people gain access to a better data set than the ones currently out there.

  • Russell Yap Song Chen
  • Benedict Wee Yu Rui
  • Lucas Leong Li Heng
Visual Autolytics

VA Logo.jpg

COE, every car owner's worst nightmare
If you plan to own a car for at least the next 10 years, chances are that the news on the zero-growth vehicle quota might have given you butterflies in the stomach – and not the good kind. As part of the government’s efforts to handle manage the strain on Singapore’s transport infrastructure, the government has implemented deterrent measures such as high carpark rates, multi-layered taxes and the maze-inducing ERPs.

Of these, the most direct measure has been the use of COEs to control the car population. While COEs increasingly take out a larger proportion of our income, a niggling of doubt still spurs some questions. If the COE is just a piece of paper, why do I need to pay so much for it? Why is the COE of my neighbour’s Maserati the same as my Cherry QQ’s COE? Follow Visual Autolytics as we crack the curious case of a car's COE.

  • Cheryl Chiam
  • Low Kang Li
  • Sarah Jane Tong
Los Tres Potatoes

Los tres mascatero logo.png

The Panama Papers: A closer look into its networks in the Asia-Pacific region
The Panama Papers (2016) are a huge leak — 11.5 million (approximately 2.6 TB) — of financial documents that reveal the financial holdings of the rich and powerful. The global investigation into the secretive industry of offshore companies expose how politicians, celebrities, sportsmen and high-net-worth individuals set up front companies in remote jurisdictions to protect their cash from higher taxes, and facilitate bribery, arms deals, financial fraud and drug trafficking. Laying within the trove of leaked files are also the names of the rich and powerful in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, overshadowed by the media’s interest of more prominent names of the West. Our goal is to observe the complexity and structure of relationships between entities and individuals in each country in the APAC region, and to identify key parties in the offshore investments.

  • Victoria Koh Wei Ting
  • Jonathan Chew Yee Long
  • Siew Xue Quan Jazreel
On The Fly


Visualizing Singapore's Energy Consumption

Experts have warned that power demand is set to double by 2030 globally despite authoritative control. According to Energy Market Authority (EMA), Singapore has faced increasing power consumption from 1965 to 2013. As Singapore is land-scarce and does not have significant renewable energy options such as hydro-power, wave, or sufficient land for mass solar energy production, energy has been a top concern in the urban nation. It is thus important to promote energy saving concepts to the public as well as deploying energy saving solution island wide. Our team aims to create a visualisation that leverages on energy datasets provided by EMA to perform spatial analysis to identify energy usage clusters.

  • Ng Jia Jun
  • Tan Kun Sheng
  • Wan Mei Ying
Data Traders


Visualizing Trade of Goods between Countries

Singapore’s location at the tip of the Malay Peninsula has long made it a vital hub for the trade of goods through the Straits of Malacca. This establishes the importance of understanding trade patterns, influenced by multiple macroeconomic factors, to safeguard the stability and future of the nation. Various government bodies pay close attention to these figures, continuously monitoring the trade numbers and the countries that contribute to it.

Although the Straits Times regularly refers to trade figures during reporting, we would like to challenge the status-quo and come out with better visualisations that can display this information for the relevant agencies and the general public much quickly, clearly and concisely.

  • Lawrence Mark Andrew
  • Lu Jianan
  • Tan Yong Jin
R Estate Vizards

R Estate Logo.jpg

Visualizing Private Property Market in Singapore

Real Estate investment has always been a relatively safe choice for those seeking to gain decent returns on investment. Although there are plenty of opportunities to make huge profits from a real estate investment, it is a complexed investment vehicle due to the economic, financial and geographical issues that one has to consider. In Singapore, several analytical tools have been created to help people in identifying potential investment opportunities in the property market.

However, existing analytical tools in the market have certain limitations due to the type of visualisation used. Therefore, we aim to develop a more effective and accurate visualisation of Singapore's non-landed private property market to meet the needs of analysts, investors and real estate agents.

  • Kong Song Wei
  • Peh Jing Yuan
  • Tan Zhi Chong
Team VEJ


Visitors Of Singapore

Tourism has always been a sector of large importance to Singapore's economy. Based on the 2016 Marketing Report by Singapore Tourism Board (STB), STB has plans to grow Singapore's tourism industry. One of the key questions whilst analysing their market portfolio was how could STB determine the growth potential for our current and potential markets.

This project will provide an interactive visualisation to better analyse STB's strategy: should resources be allocated to investments in these markets to continue to drive demand? Or should STB start look at how it can diversify its market portfolio beyond Asia?

  • Evan Tan Song Kai
  • Jaren Lim Jian Quan
  • Victor Tang Wing Ho
Mighty Morphine Power Rangers

G1t7 weed logo1.jpg

Drug Movement

Drug trafficking is a global illicit trading involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sales of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws. The consequences of illicit drug use are widespread, causing permanent physical and emotional damage to users and negatively impacting their families, coworkers, and many others with whom they have contact.

Globally, the movement and presence of these substances are difficult to track and control and poses a challenge for law enforcement. One of the main ways law enforcement controls the prevalence of these drugs is by maintaining strong boarder security. The seizure of drugs at the boarder is anything but a simple task, profiling and random guess work is commonly used as methods for detection. However, with the proper and in-depth analysis of trafficking trends we may be better able to control and reduce the slippages of traffickers through the boarders.

  • Fan Kaiyang
  • Mark Ng Wei Jie
  • Gary Quek Jian Zhang


Relate Graduate Employment Survey with Labour Market

Singapore has developed rapidly over the past few decades and part of this development is attributed to the Education System. Singapore Education System is known to be stressful and concerns have been raised about the need to change. Is the goal at the end of this rat race worth the stress?

The Graduate Employment Survey (GES) is conducted on a yearly basis to provide insights on the salary prospects of a course. The Ministry of Education conduct these surveys yearly for Local Universities in Singapore. However, the results of these surveys are not interactive and do not provide any trends and insights with respect to the Labour Market demands.

This project aims to offer insights about the fresh graduate salary with respect to the Labour Market in Singapore over the years.

  • Lim Wang Chun Wilson
  • Wu Jianhua
Same Same But Different

1718T9G1 Logo.jpg

Airline and Airport Network and on-time Performance in US

Flight delays has been a very common problem for travelers, the delay can be attributable to various problems, such as, aircraft issues, weather issues at origin airport or/and destination airport. The delay has no doubts will disappoint air travelers and affect their flight experience greatly. Thus, in this project, our team aims to investigate the performance of different airlines and flight delays in detail.

In addition, airport network is a very critical and complex transportation infrastructure for a nation, it is increasingly important for public policy considerations. The disruptions of the airport network, caused by terrorist attack, disease transmission or other reasons, can lead to huge economic loss. Thus, the study on the airport network can assist us better understand the relationship between different airports, for example, identify most critical airport, and take proactive measures to prevent occurrence of disruptions.

  • He Xi
  • Wang Miao Qiong
  • Shi Xiaoyu
Data Tsunami

Data tsunami logo.png

Visualizing Private Car Resale Market in Singapore

Prices of new cars can be too expensive for price sensitive individuals to afford. However, through the used car market one will be able to afford the convenience of owning a car. For budget conscious individuals, buying a used can be a great way to save money. On the other hand, owners of existing cars interested to make a sale can enjoy savings from its successful sale. Hence, understanding the used car market can prove to be useful for individuals looking to sell / buy a existing car.

In addition, with the changing consumer car buying behavior and a rising market for used cars, our aim is to understand this growing used car market to enable better decision making for the different stakeholders involved. When consumers look at used cars, usually the price is one of the most important factor that influences buying decision. In addition, we will also like to explore which other variables affect the price most and how they are correlated.

  • Dong Ruiyan
  • Zhang Qian
  • Lee Ting Kok Jeremy


You got Tax-ed! : Visualizing Tax Revenue in Singapore

How do governments build roads? How do government support the elderly? These are all only made possible through taxes. Tax revenue in Singapore serves to fund government operations and promote social and economic goals. To diversify tax revenue, taxes collection can come in different forms such as personal income tax and corporate tax. Tax schemes can be complex and difficult to understand,especially in Singapore where a progressive tax system is used in collecting individual income tax.

While IRAS publishes a summary of data collected in each tax area, there is no known platform that allows the public to understand Singapore's tax revenue and its compositions interactively. Hence, we hope to allow users to explore trends and patterns in the composition of Singapore’s tax revenue over the years. Furthermore, we hope that the interactive visualization will aid the public in understanding the key components of Singapore’s tax revenue and the extent of their contributions to tax revenue.

  • Bryan Lau
  • Tam Kei Wen
  • Taffy Joan Cheow

Image 2017-11-11 14-30-01.png

Visualizing Weather Pattern in Singapore

Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) collects abundant data on the weather in Singapore. There are 63 Automated Weather Stations (AWS) in Singapore, that collect daily rainfall, temperature and wind speed. This data is readily available, yearly since 1980. However, this useful data is not being properly presented, in a way that is the weather trends and patterns can be easily inferred. We want to build an application that visualizes the rainfall, temperature and wind speed patterns in Singapore. The visualisation should display the data over time (daily, monthly, yearly), and over location (based on the location of the AWS). By doing so, we believe that various organisations will benefit, based on the patterns observed.

  • Foo Ru Jia
  • Felicia Anto Christy
  • M Has Nilofar
Vroom Vroom


F1nal Lap: Visualizing F1 Data

Formula One (F1) is the highest class of automotive racing for open-wheel cars sanctioned by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA),the governing body of motor sports. Held annually since 1950, the FIA Formula One World Championship is a race series that garners a massive base of fans and spectators, and has become one of the most prominent automotive events and spectator sports of all time.

The F1 industry has grown to a multi-billion-dollar industry, with huge sponsorships and viewerships worldwide. It also spearheads innovation in engineering and its continued success and expansion paves the way for technological development, even beyond the automotive industry. This motivates us to support the industry by providing F1 drivers and teams with race-winning insights through analysis of historical F1 data.

  • Dinh Viet Nguyen
  • Duong Ngo Bao Tran
  • Yorisan Khosugi
Team Members