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Data Tsunami
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Sgcarmart logo.jpg

sgCarMart is one of Singapore's biggest online car resale marketplace. Specifically, it facilitates the resale of cars between a buyer and seller.

According to Forbes, there has been a huge increase in demand for used cars, as a result, the used car market has seen a stellar growth of up to 68% since 2009. This has led to huge changes in car buying behavior, marketplaces like sgCarMart are one of the key platforms paving way the growth of the used car industry. As a result, we tried to understand this market and its dynamics by crawling data from the sgCarMart's website.

Problem and Motivation

Prices of new cars can be too expensive for price sensitive individuals to afford. However, through the used car market one will be able to afford the convenience of owning a car. For budget conscious individuals, buying a used can be a great way to save money. On the other hand, owners of existing cars interested to make a sale can enjoy savings from its successful sale. Hence, understanding the used car market can prove to be useful for individuals looking to sell / buy a existing car.

In addition, with the changing consumer car buying behavior and a rising market for used cars, our aim is to understand this growing used car market to enable better decision making for the different stakeholders involved. When consumers look at used cars, usually the price is one of the most important factor that influences buying decision. In addition, we will also like to explore which other variables affect the price most and how they are correlated.


In this project, we are interested to create a visualisation application that helps users perform the following:

1. Visualise resale car prices against other factors such as:

  • Type of cars
  • Car Brands
  • Car age
  • Car Engine
  • COE Registered Date / COE Time Remaining
  • Mileage

2. Identify relationships and correlations across different factors affecting resale prices

3. Uncover the top 10 most common brands for car resale

  • Difference in prices & quantity sold across different brands


Data used is obtained from crawling it off the sgcarmart website (http://www.sgcarmart.com/used_cars/listing.php). Specifically focusing on used cars.

This dataset contains 28028 records and consists of following columns.

Attribute Description
Brand brand of the car
Model car model
Price the price on the ad to sell the car
Depreciation average depreciation value of the car per year
Registration Date date of the COE when the car is registered
Eng engine of the car in terms of cc
Mile distance (Km) that the car has been driven
Type vehicle type
Status if the car is still available for sale
Post date date the advertisement was posted
Tags tags associated with the advertisement
URL the URL of the where the data was crawled from.

Research Visualisation

Visualizations Explaination

Bubble Chart

  • This figure allows us to visualize vehicle types and sales at the same time. This chart is very interactive as well. Readers can group/color the data points by “major brand”, “origin”, “truck/car” and “gainers/losers”.
  • It provides comprehensive insights about vehicle sales with a straightforward visualization.
  • https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2015-auto-sales/

Scatter Plot


Line Graph







Technical Challenges

Technical Challenges Action Plan
Data Preparation
  • Work on data cleaning and transforming.
Unfamiliarity in Programming Language like Javascript & Libraries like D3
  • Initial hands-on experience during D3.js workshop.
  • Independent learning on Javascript & D3.js.
  • Peer learning and sharing of skills.
Unfamiliarity in Implementing Interactive Visualisation App
  • Self-learning and view online tutorials.

Roles & Milestones

  • Project Roles

Dong Ruiyan: Visualisation Analyst
Zhang Qian: Visualisation Designer
Jeremy LEE Ting Kok: Project Manager

  • Project Timeline
