Mandi Assignment Final Answer
Revision as of 22:49, 7 July 2017 by Mandi.luo.2016 (talk | contribs)
1. The scale and orientation of the supplied satellite images.
2. Features in the Preserve area as captured in the imagery.
Most of the images have sensor artifacts at the bottom right corner.
To identify the features in the Preserve Area, I picked the image which is generated from the data [image11_2016_09_06.csv]. It has no sensor artifacts at all.
Band combinations(B4, B3, B2) are mapped to the RGB image channels to create the false-color image as below.
Band combinations(B5, B4, B2) are mapped to the RGB image channels to create the false-color image as below:
With the NDVI and RVI Value, we can identify the different vegetation.
- Cluster 1: Common vegetation with lower chlorophyll content.
- Cluster 2: Road/Newly Land/Soil.
- Cluster 3: Healthy Plants with higher chlorophyll content which has absorbed the red light strongly.
- Cluster 4: Waterbody.
- Cluster 5: Clouds.