YunnaWei PatternDetection

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Yunna Wei - ISSS608 Visual Analytics and Applications_Assignment1


Data Preparation

Overview Exploration

Pattern Detectoin



Multiple Days Pattern

Calendar View by Month

WYN Month CalendarView.png
the left diagram well demonstrates that there are peak and off-peak periods in terms of traffic flow in the nature reserve. It is clear that there are much more traffic during months of June, July and August and the traffic load dropped significantly after September. What's more interesting is there is almost no traffic in months of December,January and February. This trend is more true for car types of 1(2 axle car (or motorcycle)), 2(2 axle truck) and 3(3. 3 axle truck)

Quarterly Pattern

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
WYN Q1.png
WYN Q2.png
WYN Q3.jpg
WYN Q4.png
Q1 Pattern: Q1 is the least popular season as the traffic only takes up 5.6% of the overall traffic. The routes in Q1 are quite short and a relative big portion of the traffic has routes of from one entrance to another entrance directly or only going through one gate, which can be assumed that these car ids are just using as the preserve as a convenient transportation option, in stead of actually visiting the preserve. There is almost no camping activities in Q1. In Q1, the traffic focuses on:
  • Entrance4--Generalgate5--Generalgate2--Rangerstop0--Rangerstop2--Generalgate1
  • Entrance1--Generalgate7--Generalgate4
  • Entrance3--Generalgate1--Rangerstop2--Rangerstop0
  • Entrance2--Generalgate2--Rangerstop0--Rangerstop2
  • Entrance0--Generalgate1--Rangerstop2--Rangerstop0
Q2 Pattern: Q2 is a reasonably popular season and the traffic becomes much more compared to Q1 and the traffic routes are much longer and diverse. We can assume that more visitors in Q2. A big proportion of traffic come to the preserve for visiting and camping, instead of using the preserve a transportation option. Q3 Pattern: Q3 is the most popular season. The traffic reaches the peak, taking up 55% of all the traffic over past 1 year. The traffic routes are normally very long and diverse.There are more camping actives in Q3. Q4 Pattern: Q4 is very similar to Q1. The total traffic is little and traffic routes are much shorter and there is almost no camping activities. The traffic is dominated by the following routes:
  • Entrance4--Generalgate5--Generalgate2--Rangerstop0--Rangerstop2--Generalgate1
  • Entrance1--Generalgate7--Generalgate4
  • Entrance3--Generalgate1--Rangerstop2--Rangerstop0
  • Entrance2--Generalgate2--Rangerstop0--Rangerstop2
  • Entrance0--Generalgate1--Rangerstop2--Rangerstop0

Traffic Pattern by Car Type

WYN CarType1.png
WYN CarType2.png
WYN CarType3.png
Patterns: Car types of 1, 2 and 3 display the same pattern that they tend to have long routes within the preserve and the routes are various
WYN CarType4.png
WYN CarType5.png
WYN CarType6.png
Patterns: Car types of 4, 5 and 6 display a different pattern from the other three. Their travelling routes are quite short. A proportion of them go through the preserve directly from one entrance to another.

Camping/NoCamping Pattern

WYN Camping Route.png
WYN NoCamping Route.png