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* Year 3 Term 1 onwards
* Year 3 Term 1 onwards
| '''Project Proposal Deadline''' || One week before term starts || One week before term starts || One week before term starts. Your supervisor must agree to the proposal and to supervise you
| '''Project Proposal Template''' || Download [[https://smu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/yangsiyulai_2017_sis_smu_edu_sg/EU6A9ojt_r1EsVZNcGZkZoMBP8esAo6te_dqtddla5xI0Q?e=hWChlU]]
| '''Project Proposal Template''' || Download [[https://smu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/yangsiyulai_2017_sis_smu_edu_sg/EU6A9ojt_r1EsVZNcGZkZoMBP8esAo6te_dqtddla5xI0Q?e=hWChlU]]

Revision as of 10:17, 18 September 2020


Milestone Timeline Activities Action by
Project Sourcing and Registration to Nov 15 2020
  • Teams Formation,
  • Confirmation of Sponsor,
  • Project Sourcing & Requirements Gathering from Sponsor
Course Manager
Proposal Due on 15 Dec 2020
  • Proposal Submission
Decision on Proposal 31 Dec 2020
  • Review by SMT Programme Director (Acceptance/Rejection)
SMT Programme Director (Optional: Sponsor)
Supervisor Assignment Week -1
  • Supervisor - Teams Assignment
Project Coordinator
Start of Project Week 1
  • Supervisor - Teams
Midterm Week 7 to 9
  • Presentation
Students, Supervisor, Reviewer (Option: Sponsor, Track Coordinator)
Finals Week 13 to 16
  • Presentation
Students, Supervisor, Reviewer (Option: Sponsor, Track Coordinator)

SMT Project Experience Project Types

Type I - Application Project Type II - Smart City Analytical /
Urban Planning Practicum Project
Type III - Research Project
Team Size 4-6 2-3 2
Objective and Scope To design and implement a smart city application that incorporates combination of technology enablers and a solution addressing an urbanization and/or societal challenge. To conduct an evidence-based analysis of smart city blueprint (locally or overseas) or analytical models addressing an urbanization and/or societal challenge. To conduct an research based on an identified problem related to addressing a smart city challenge. The scope may include new algorithm / approach, simulation and analysis of an urbanization or societal challenge.
Recommended Skill-sets / Pre-requisites
  • You should have passed SMT110/IS110 Introduction to Programming, SMT203 Smart City Systems and Management, IS112 Data Management
  • Other highly recommended courses: Interaction Design & Prototyping, Web Application Development I & II, Internet of Things
  • Empirical Studies, Research Methods, Analytics Foundation, Geographic Information Systems, Sustainable (Digital) Cities, Introduction to Public Policy.
  • Empirical Studies, Research Methods, domain-specific (e.g., healthcare, logistics) or project-specific technical skills (e.g., data mining, text mining).
  • Skills requirement varies from project to project depends on supervisor.
Project Sponsor / Supervisor
  • SIS-sourced OR
  • Self-sourced external sponsor OR
  • SIS Faculty supervisor
  • SIS-sourced OR
  • Self-sourced external sponsor OR
  • Faculty supervisor (SIS or other school’s) supervises team
  • SMU faculty (student to find relevant faculty from any school offering guided research project or independent study)
Expected Outcomes
  • System prototype and documentation
  • Presentation and report
  • Wireframe/Proof-of-concept/analytical model/city blueprint along with evidence-based analysis
  • Presentation and report, dashboard/analytical model, acceptance/review by sponsor
  • Proposal of the research problem
  • Midterm report with approaches and initial findings
  • Final Presentation and research paper
Available Period
  • Year 3 Term 1 onwards (Y3T2 onwards preferred)
  • It can be an implementation extension of IDP, Guided Research Project, SCSM, IoT (approval by course coordinator required).
  • Year 3 Term 1 onwards
  • It can be an analytics focused project based on continuation of another project from another "approved" course e.g., SCSM, Data Mining, GIS, IOT course (approval by course coordinator required).
  • Year 3 Term 1 onwards
Project Proposal Template Download [[1]] Download [[2]]

Download [[3]]

Course Assessments

Assessment Item(s) Weightage (%)
Type I - Application Project Type II - Smart City Analytical /
Urban Planning Practicum Project
Type III - Research Project
Project Proposal 10 10 10
Mid-term presentation / report* 20 30* 30
Final Presentation 40 20 30
Final Report/Paper* 30 40* 30
Total 100 100 100

Course Assessment Details

Assessment Item Type I - Application Project Type II - Smart City Analytical /
Urban Planning Practicum Project
Type III - Research Project
Project Proposal
  • Clarity of project
  • Project plan and schedule
  • Benefits to society
  • Clarity of project
  • Project plan and schedule
  • Benefits to society
  • Description of available data
  • Clarity of project
  • Project plan and schedule
  • Benefits to society
  • List of references
  • Project management
  • Quality of project, including demo
  • Project management
  • Preliminary findings
  • Literature survey
  • Preliminary findings
Final Presentation
  • Project management
  • Quality of product
  • Peer evaluation
  • Project documentation
  • Project management
  • Peer evaluation
  • Data-driven / evidence-based insights
  • Main research findings
  • Key findings to demonstrate value to sponsor and benefits to society
  • Real challenges faced, mitigation steps and lessons learnt
  • Key findings to demonstrate value to sponsor and benefits to society
  • Real challenges faced, mitigation steps and lessons learnt
  • Key findings to demonstrate value to sponsor and benefits to society
  • Real challenges faced, mitigation steps and lessons learnt


Main Reference

Other References

  1. https://wiki.smu.edu.sg/is480/Main_Page
  2. https://wiki.smu.edu.sg/ANLY482/Main_Page
  3. https://sis.smu.edu.sg/programmes/undergraduate/beyond/rxu#process-apply-is470x1