Lee Xiang Rui

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About Lee Xiang Rui


Name: Lee Xiang Rui
Academic Year: 3
Degree: Information Systems Management
2nd Major: Advance Business Technology (Without Track)
Interests: Designing and Meeting New People!
Current CCA: SMU Information Systems Society (SISS)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leexiangruil | facebook
Email Address: xrlee.2011@sis.smu.edu.sg | Email me

why TSM South Korea

Study missions is one of the best way to expand my view of the world. I am particularly interested in a study mission to South Korea because of the rich startup landscape. The Korean government has put in place many funding schemes to give startups early access to capital and this has resulted in an ideal ecosystem for new ventures.

In addition, going on a study mission will be a good break away from academic and classroom work.

Internship Opportunities

Starting Business

  • What types of business interest you?

  • What plan do you have in starting a business? (list existing business)

Past Experiences

  • Describe your past experience (entrepreneurship, or works in start ups etc)

Finally, Credits

Layout borrowed from Agurz Gary Leong