Loh Yi Song, Rafael

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About Loh Yi Song, Rafael


Name: Loh Yi Song, Rafael
Academic Year: 3
Degree: Information Systems Management
2nd Major: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources
Interests: Ballroom Dancing, Jogging, Keeping Fit, Meeting New people from different cultures, Gaming, Singing
Past CCA: N/a
Current CCA: Ballare
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rafaelloh.song | facebook
Email Address: yisong.loh.2011@sis.smu.edu.sg | Email me
Contact No: +65 9838 9167

Why TSM South Korea?

Korea Jeju Island

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

아녕 하새요! 저는 라파엘 이애요! Well, It's been sometime since I've converse in Korean, so this is probably the time to do so in actual practice! Just kidding! I've always been passionate in learning the culture of Korea, not due to Kpop of course, but due to strong roots Korean culture has. Heading there for TSM is akin to expanding my insights into a vast new country/market. Furthermore, Korea has been a major player in the IT market and therefore makes it a valuable and once in a life time opportunity to expand my insights.

Last but not least, for what I've learnt so far in SIS, be it IS101, AA or IDP, it would allow me to apply what I've learnt into actual situations by understanding the company's structure. Given the fact that Korea has vastly expanded with the use of technology, it would a great experience for me to learn on how they tackle their challenges with the use of technology.

  • Why pick South Korea?

We have seen how South Korea has created the Hallyu wave. But that's not the point. It is how they actually put marketing at work, and with the right ideas at the right time, created a storm. This is something which I would like to learn and put to good use.

Being Chinese, Korea has also some relations to us. It's deep rooted history originated from China where it later developed into its own language - Hangul. That is why some of the words sound the same as Mandarin.

South Korea is one of the most rapid changing cities in the world, and I would like to take the opportunity to broaden my exposure and put new insights into own business.

Internship Opportunites

  • What types of internship opportunities interest you?

Positions as a business analyst, IT consultant where we can transfer knowledge from school and blend IT and Business together as this is the current trend. IT and business must work hand in hand for it to be truly successful.

  • Any ideal firms (based in South Korea) that you wish to join?

I would like to join either Samsung or a firm that's open to ideas despite one's ranking. Samsung comprises of all kinds of IT aspects which will be a great privilege to learn more about their process and technology at use. As for firms that are open to ideas, this allows some sort of sharing and interchanging of ideas from everyone. This encourages critical thinking process and creativity which is valuable and intangible.

Giving another chance, it would be great to incorporate IT into industries that uses IT as a supporting factor. Some examples are F&B chains which is very popular in Korea and Korea's Tourism Board, which made a breakthrough into the international market.

Starting Business

  • What types of business interest you?

Media, retail, technological, gadgets related.

  • What plan do you have in starting a business? (list existing business)

During my previous internship my boss threw out a lot of ideas for solutions that could possibly make lives of media professionals much easier either by integrating current existing platforms or moving away from legacy systems. I am still discussing which are the most feasible ideas with him before we move on to looking for a team to develop the solution.

Past Experiences

  • Describe your past experience (entrepreneurship, or works in start ups etc)

Currently working in a start-up to develop a new advertising platform called Sqkii that we are developing as our FYP project.

In a Nutshell

I would really love the opportunity to go on TSM South Korea!

Finally, Credits

Layout borrowed from Agurz Gary Leong