Melissa Lim Seok Yu

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About Melissa

Name: Melissa Lim Seok Yu
Academic Year: 2
Degree: Business Management
Major: Operations (Undeclared)
CCA: SMU Ultimate Frisbee -Competitive (2012-Current, Exco - Head of Events)
Hobbies: Outdoor Activities, Photography, Exploring new places, Volunteering

Why TSM South Korea?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

I want to start my own technological company, but I do not have the technological expertise. I hope this TSM can help me find out more about starting a business that is built around the use of technology and expose me to the unique constraints and possibilities a technological start up can have. I see such start ups as a whole new realm that can open up new opportunities for young entrepreneurs like myself, and I want to be one of the first to delve in and explore.

  • Why South Korea?