Wong Kee Siang Glen

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|| About || Wong Kee Siang Glen


Name: Wong Kee Siang Glen
Academic Year: 3
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management
2nd Major: Advance Business Technology - Technopreneurship Track
CCA: Tennis(Current), LOMS Champion(AY2011)
Hobbies: Photography, Eating, Playing Tennis, Playing the guitar

|| Why? TSM South Korea

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

Internship Opportunities

  • What types of internship opportunities interest you? All
  • Any ideal firms (based in South Korea) that you wishes to join?

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you? All
  • What plan do you have in starting a business? (list existing business)

Past Experiences

  • Describe your past experience (entrepreneurship, or works in start ups etc)