1415T1g1 Silicon Valley/Participant Information/Mohamed Safiullah

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About Safi

Mohamed Safiullah

Academic Year: 3
Degree: Information Systems Management
2nd Major: Advanced Business Technology
Interests: Movies/TV Series (Action, Romance, Comedy, SciFi), Reading (Technology, Inventions, Engineering)
Past Commitments:

  • SMU SISS (Creative Executive for Web)
  • SMU innovateIT 2013 (Events Executive)
  • SMU innovateIT 2014 (President)

Email: mohameds.2012@sis.smu.edu.sg
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Why TSM Silicon Valley?


"Silicon Valley is the cradle of innovation."

As some one with strong enthusiasm and passion for technology, I have always been fascinated by big ideas that proposes to change the way we work, live and play and by big dreams that envisions to transform the world. And, no place has been successful as Silicon Valley in empowering such big ideas and big dreams. I want to experience in first-hand, the culture of creativity, the atmosphere of genius and the environment that cultivates, earning itself the nickname as the - "cradle of innovation".

I take inspiration from people like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, not so much for their wealth though, but because of their tenacity to pursue their dreams despite the adversities. Silicon Valley is the home of many such determined technopreneurs and I want to meet them, hear their experiences and learn from them.

Internship Opportunities

Starting A Business

Past Experiences

Young And Curious

Since young I have leveraged on small opportunities to create entrepreneurial value, be it offering a school canteen to classroom food delivery service at my secondary school, write a program to consolidate educational questionnaires from the internet to be distributed as pre-examination practises or freelance as a web/mobile app developer and consultant.

There Is Alwasy A First Time For Everything

During my polytechnic, my friend and I attempted to launch a one-stop wedding services site called, "Diari Pengantin" (The Wedding Diary). Start-up was a new scene in Singapore back then and we faced many challenges in procuring sponsorship and in marketing our website. Although this initial start-up venture was eventually put in hiatus, the humbling and enriching experience and the lessons learnt from mistakes are still unforgotten.

Being A Lego Block Of Tech Start-Up

Also during the first year at university I worked at 3GO LLP Tech start-up. As the Lead Technology Developer, I was responsible for leading and managing a team of 3 Apple iOS and Ruby On Rails developers for an analytics and mobile application project funded by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore. The app facilitated LTA in collecting real time statistics from taxi commuters. The experience of working with people from various background and diverse skill set was an eye opener.