1415T1g1 Silicon Valley/Participant Information/Brindha Menon do Siva Kumar

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About Brindha

Academic Year: 3
Degree: Bachelor of Science (Information Systems Management)
2nd Major: Corporate Communications


Why TSM Silicon Valley?

  • What motivates you to join TSM? | Because it would be an honour to study about and visit firms in the Silicon Valley, and I don't plan on losing this opportunity to do so.
  • Why pick Silicon Valley? | Loads of internationally recognised companies have their headquarters here! It's a dream many have, to visit and/or work in such companies.

Internship Opportunities

  • What types of internship opportunities interest you?
  • Any ideal firms (based in Silicon Valley) that you wishes to join?

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?
  • What plan do you have in starting a business? (list existing business)

Past Experiences

  • Describe your past experience (entrepreneurship, or works in start ups, etc)