Agurz Gary Leong

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About Agurz Gary Leong


Name: Agurz Gary Leong
Academic Year: 3
Degree: Information Systems Management
2nd Major: Operations Management
Interests: Soccer, Foosball, Snooker, Percussion, Drums, Events Organisation, Outdoor Activities such as camping, travelling.
Facebook: | facebook
Email Address: | Email me
Contact No: +65 9221 1006

Why TSM South Korea?

Profile Pic

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

It will be my first time travelling to South Korea!! Besides having the fun travelling in South Korea, I believe in learning outside of classroom. This is one of the rare opportunities where I can put my learning and my experience into good use.

I have learnt so far is that during IS101, I have understand every company has their own problems. Now given a chance overseas at Korea as Asia’s fourth-largest economy, South Korea is a major player among the world’s top exporting nations. I wish to experience first hand what are the actual challenges and difficulties a company faces and what how technology solution was considered to be a solution to their problem.

  • Why pick South Korea?

Currently it is one of the Asia's Fastest Changing City. In the midst of their rapid modernization and expansion, Seoul is moving onto the world's stage of as one of Asia's most vibrant and exciting cities. I hope to gain more exposure and broaden my knowledge on their business work.

Internship Opportunites

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  • What types of internship opportunities interest you?
  • Any ideal firms (based in South Korea) that you wish to join?

Starting Business

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  • What types of business interest you? All
  • What plan do you have in starting a business? (list existing business)

Past Experiences

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  • Describe your past experience (entrepreneurship, or works in start ups etc

In the Nutshell

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