Le Short Le Tall
Le Short Le Tall
About Twinword
Twinword is compiling a database of knowledge about word associations that is being created by the direct participation of people throughout the world. This makes it possible to analyse trends and different thought patterns on per-region and temporal basis. They are able to apply these analyses to produce more pertinent search engine results and target advertisements more accurately.
Profile - CEO
Mr Kono Kim
- BA in Language and Literature-Sungkyunkwan University
- PHD Candidate in CS-Sogang University
- Worked at Samsung for 10 years delivering natural language processing solutions before founding Twinword
- Founded Twinword on 1 May 2012
- Participated many cutting-edge projects including EU research, text-mining system for Samsung and National Intelligence Service
- Saw the need as many projects needed human text understanding capability to make software intelligent
- Wanted to build knowledge base of human language by crowd sourcing to reduce the cost and time
- Niche Market
Stock Ownership
- Employee who stays for a year earns about 1-2% stock option (Case by Case)
- None at the moment
- Believes in chasing customer then investments
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