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TSM2023 SiliconValley Logo.png

Express Yourself

Lim Yun Shi Krystal

SMU email:
Academic Year: Year 2 (2023)
Degree: BSc Information Systems (Major in Digitalisation and Cloud Solutions) & Bachelor of Business Management

Krystal Lim

Why TSM?

* What motivates you to join TSM?

1. I've had a fervent passion for tech since 13 years old. I'm motivated to join TSM because of my fervent passion for technology, which I've had since the age of 13. I believe that technology is the key to unlocking a stronger, self-reliant, and connected nation, and I'm dedicated to leveraging technology for both a thriving digital economy and greater community outreach. I'm also committed to empowering women in the tech industry, as I've demonstrated through my leadership in Singapore's Girls in Tech Committee. Therefore, TSM provides an ideal opportunity for me to gain insights, network, and be influenced by the tech ecosystem in Silicon Valley. Hence, I believe the Silicon Valley mission will help me achieve my goal of making a significant impact in technology by expanding my knowledge and network. Future Leader in Tech - Krystal Lim

2. It's my dream to run a tech startup.

Since young, I've always seemed to have that entrepreneurial flame and appetite in me. It's always been my dream to run a tech startup, and I've tried venturing into a couple of small businesses before. However, my aspiration is to create a scalable, sustainable, and impactful tech product or service. By joining TSM and experiencing the dynamic tech culture of Silicon Valley, I aim to be influenced and enlightened by the success stories, innovative thinking, and the network of professionals in the startup ecosystem. Hence, I believe the Silicon Valley mission will help me achieve my dream of running a successful tech startup by providing the inspiration, knowledge, and connections required.

3. It's my dream to run visit Silicon Valley.

Furthermore, visiting Silicon Valley has been a long-standing dream of mine. I'm eager to gain first-hand experience, meet various startups, and understand their unique perspectives and ways of thinking. This opportunity will inspire and motivate me to pursue my own tech ventures and continue contributing to the tech community. Hence, I believe the Silicon Valley mission will fulfil my dream of experiencing Silicon Valley and provide me with the insights and motivation I need to forge ahead.

* Where would you like to visit?

Beyond the traditional tech giants like Apple and Google, there are some exciting places I'd love to explore. Firstly, Cisco has always fascinated me with its network technologies. It's spread across many firms, and what's even more thrilling is that my personal mentor, Andy Lee, Managing Director of Cisco Systems Singapore & Brunei, could potentially host us there. Secondly, Automation Anywhere's low-code and no-code platforms have been making waves in the industry, and I have a personal friend, Adeline Koh, Head of Marketing APAC, India, JP, at Automation Anywhere, who could provide us with valuable insights. Lastly, Accenture's innovation hub in San Francisco aligns perfectly with my desire to explore tech consulting beyond traditional IT firms.

Hence, these visits will not only provide me with diverse perspectives but also unique opportunities to learn and grow in the tech world.

Starting a business

* What types of business interest you?
1. Businesses that Marry Technology with Another Domain (e.g. Tech X Sustainability)

Beyond the usual tech firms, one fascinating startup example from Silicon Valley that aligns with my interests is "Impossible Foods." Marrying Tech X Sustainability, Impossible Foodsis revolutionizing the food industry by creating plant-based alternatives to traditional meat products. Their mission is to make food production more sustainable, reduce the environmental impact of meat consumption, and provide a delicious and healthier alternative to meat.

Impossible Foods utilizes cutting-edge technology and innovative food science to replicate the taste, texture, and nutritional value of meat products using plant-based ingredients. Their approach not only addresses the growing demand for sustainable and ethical food choices but also contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the overall environmental footprint associated with the meat industry.

This startup's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and social impact resonates with my passion for technology's potential to create a stronger, self-reliant, and connected society. Exploring and learning from such groundbreaking companies during the Silicon Valley mission would be incredibly inspiring and educational.

Hence, I believe the Silicon Valley mission will provide me with the opportunity to engage with startups like Impossible Foods and gain insights into how they are using technology to drive positive change on a global scale.

2. Businesses that leverage technology to bring about positive societal change and innovation (I.e. Inclusive Tech/Tech for Good)

I firmly believe that technology can be a driving force in creating a stronger, self-reliant, and connected nation. My passion lies in leveraging technology not only for a thriving digital economy but also for greater community reach and the betterment of citizens' lives. Hence, businesses that use technology as a catalyst for change in various industries, combining innovation with a social impact, pique my interest. I aspire to explore startups that are making a positive impact and contributing to the greater good.

While Airbnb may be a common name by now, not many would know how they have gone above and beyond in using technology to foster inclusivity and accessibility in the travel and hospitality industry.

Airbnb's platform has features like "Airbnb Access" and "Experiences" designed to ensure that individuals with various needs, including those with disabilities, can enjoy unique travel experiences. They have partnered with organizations to provide accessible accommodations and have invested in improving the search and booking experience for all users.

One notable initiative is the "Open Homes Program," which encourages hosts to offer free or low-cost stays to refugees, disaster evacuees, and those in need. Through their platform, they make it easy for people to find temporary housing during crises.

Airbnb's commitment to inclusivity demonstrates how technology can be a force for positive change, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of belonging for all individuals. This aligns perfectly with my belief in leveraging technology for a more connected and self-reliant society.

Hence, I believe the Silicon Valley mission will allow me to explore how companies like Airbnb are harnessing technology to create a more inclusive world and will inspire me to incorporate similar principles in my future endeavors.

* What plans do you have in starting a business?

I've already dipped my toes into 3 startup ventures and have experienced the thrill of entrepreneurship. However, I'm still on the hunt for that one business idea with a unique selling proposition (USP) that can truly take off and make a significant impact. What has held me back for five years is not the lack of entrepreneurial spirit but rather the search for that game-changing idea.

But the Silicon Valley mission, with its immersive exposure to the dynamic tech culture and the opportunity to interact with successful entrepreneurs, could be the catalyst I've been waiting for. I'm excited to gain insights, expand my network, and be influenced by the remarkable stories of startup success in the Valley. I'm particularly looking forward to understanding how innovation and technology blend seamlessly to create thriving businesses.

Hence, I believe the Silicon Valley mission will be the turning point that helps me unearth that unique business idea and provide the knowledge, inspiration, and connections required to launch a successful tech startup.

Past Experiences (optional)


I've been involved in startup ventures like BAGO, which focused on turning recycled plastic bottles into new backpacks using RPET material. I've also successfully sold humidifiers in Gardens by the Bay, achieving a 200% profit within two weeks. Additionally, I participated in the MAS Polyfintech hackathon and was the first runner-up in the financial innovation category. My team and I launched Invesight, a platform that performs sentiment analysis on earning calls, providing insights into company focus areas, such as sustainability, within 3-5 minutes.

  • Startup company - Role: Years May '22 - Aug '22


  • Startup club - Role: Years May '22 - Aug '22