2324T1 Tokyo/Participant Information/Beatrice Gan

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Beatrice Gan

Beatrice Pic.png

About Me

SMU email: beatricegan.2021@scis.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beatrice-gan/
Academic Year: Year 2
Degree: BSc Information Systems (Major in Smart-City Management & Technology and Digitalisation and Cloud Solutions)

Why TSM?

Why I want to join TSM
As someone with a deep passion for start-up companies and the innovative spirit they embody, I am extremely interested in joining the technopreneurship study mission. The opportunity to learn about successful start-ups and their founders would be invaluable in shaping my own aspirations as an entrepreneur. Tokyo, Japan is a particularly exciting destination for this mission, as it is a hub of cutting-edge technology and forward-thinking start-ups. Some examples of start-up companies from Tokyo that I am eager to learn about include Mercari, a mobile marketplace app, and Preferred Networks, an AI company pioneering in the field of autonomous driving. I am excited about the potential to expand my knowledge, connect with like-minded individuals, and gain hands-on experience in the world of technopreneurship.
Where I would like to visit
💻 Shibuya, home to many of Tokyo's most innovative and successful start-ups
🍣 Tsukiji Fish Market, known for its fresh and flavorful seafood (my favourite!💕)
❄️ Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, which is especially breathtaking when covered in snow during the winter months

Starting a business

What types of businesses interests me
🌱 Companies that prioritize sustainability and take a holistic approach to environmental stewardship, such as Patagonia and The Body Shop
❤️ Companies that are making a social impact by addressing issues such as education, healthcare, and human rights. For instance, Benetech
What plans I have in starting a business
Although I have not yet started my own business, I am eager to explore opportunities in the field of IoT, particularly as it relates to addressing climate change. I believe that IoT has the potential to enable more sustainable practices across a range of industries, from energy and transportation to agriculture and manufacturing. In terms of my own business plans, I am interested in exploring ways to leverage IoT technologies to improve resource efficiency and reduce waste, as well as to enable new business models that support more circular and sustainable systems.

Past Experiences

Work Experience:
✏️ Teaching Assistant : Jan '23 - Apr '23 📓 Tutor : Jan '21 - Present Volunteer Experience:
🏥 Red Cross Youth - Volunteer Instructor : Jan '19 - Present CCA:
🎲 Strategica - Vice-President : Jan '23 - Present 🍸 Barworks - Marketing Director: Jan '22 - Dec '22