IS427:AY1314T1 Europe (G1) - Organizations: Ghent: Enprove
About Enprov
Enprove is a company that assist industrial users with a detailed audit of a cooling or compressed air system and make suggestions that will significantly lower energy consumption and costs. They have a smart energy monitoring software that is specifically designed to detect energy losses very quickly. It not only monitors the energy data, it also analyses and filters the data and automatically interprets it.
Enprove was founded by An Beazar[1].
Business Model
The software is provided under a SaaS model, comprising of:
1) Upfront setup fee (Audit, consulting and installation of meters)
2) Monthly subscription (Access to real time data statistic)
In essence, they help their clients in measuring cooling COPs, quickly detecting refrigerant leaks and low machine efficiencies or other energy losses.
Innovation & Technology
Value Proposition
- Monitor and guards energy efficiency
- Enhance efficiency of maintenance team
- Reduce energy bill
- Benefits of cloud computing
- Tracks energy consumption
- Detects energy losses and leaks in systems
- Works with existing monitoring systems
- SaaS model
Enalyzer goes beyond standard reporting. It factors in environmental data when making decisions.
Target Market
- Industrial energy customers
- Multisite businesses
- Local governments
Business Expansion Strategy
- Partnerships with construction firms
- Implement ENalyzer in new and upcoming projects
- Economies of scale
- Reduce need for high set up fees
- Implement ENalyzer in new and upcoming projects
- Partnerships with research firms
- Leverage on research firms
- Promote
- Increase awareness
Asia Entry Strategy
Why Asia?
- Rising fuel and cost
- Large number of factories
- Necessary infrastructure in place
How to enter?
SMU iCity (Singapore)
- Joint initiative between SMU & Tata Consultancy Service
- Cloud-based IT solutions for intelligent cities
- Promoting efficient urban living
- Why partner?
- Common goals
- Leverage on iCity’s knowledge of Asia markets
Alan Boyd’s smart cities
- Smart city development project in China
- City for migrant workers
- Opportunity to license ENalyzer’s technology
- Why partner?
- Huge scale
- Still taking off
- Lucrative opportunity